An official full-length trailer has been released for the latest installment in the "Scream" film franchise, which transports the infamous Ghostface killer to the savage streets of New York City. "Scream VI" is the direct sequel to 2022's "Scream," which introduces Billy Loomis's illegitimate...
InScream(2022 film),Sarah's death is given a subtle nod with the character ofJudy Hicks. Similarly, Judy is a blonde, female character who dies in her second full-length scene of the film, while also wearing purple, showing hyper-paranoia like Sarah. ...
In his first feature-length film, Iranian-born director Babak Anvari proves adept at slowly ratcheting up the paranoid atmosphere and jittery details, before finally letting it all explode in the last act. — R.H. How to watch: Under the Shadow is now streaming on Netflix. ...
MrTravisL Mar 28, 2011 Permalink 3/10 Underwhelming movie that is best forgotten. This movie is a complete mess on the execution of it. I like how the movie uses a banshee as its villain because that's an interesting type of spirit that is rarely used. The way she executed here is ...
This theory purports that Dewey was keeping Gale at arm's length through most of the movie so he could evade detection and that when they take a walk in the woods near Sidney's house, he plans to do away with her. Suddenly, however, the two are romantically involved. It's...
Feature-length films including international features should have a World, North American, US, West Coast or LA premiere. Short films must be an LA premiere, meaning first LA County screening of your film. -Feature films must not have had any public or festival screenings in the Southern ...
Jump scares and a frantic parent shielding her child from ominous supernatural forces: These tropes are hardly new to the horror genre, but they receive a fresh spin in “Under the Shadow,” the feature-length debut of Iranian director Babak Anvari. The Tehran-set story takes place in 1988...
You still must satisfy Socrates’ theory that all stories need a beginning, middle, and end, but underneath the beginning-middle-end, no matter what your story’s length, the Something Startling Happens beats remain a universal rhythm for any visual storytelling length. Can I use these...
Now set for a Blu-ray release, with a stunning print restored and re-mastered from a colourful 4k scan, from the folks at 88 Films, Graduation Day will arrive in the UK with an array of newly created special features from High Rising Productions including a new feature length documentary ...
*Toby Meakins’ “Choose or Die” has some compelling imagery and a charming throwback premise, but the killer video game script can’t sustain a feature-length runtime. *Though overlong and in need of a script doctor to punch up the jokes, “Studio 666” is a fun romp for rock fans...