Scrcpy GUI, free download. Scrcpy GUI is a free and open-source graphical user interface for the scrcpy desktop application that allows users to control and mirror their Android device on their desktop.
谷歌浏览器windows版32位61.0.3163.79 2017-09-19 Chrome插件下载 Postman for Win64(V6.0.10) 2018-04-06 PanDownload:百度网盘不限速下载工具 2018-09-19 MusicTools:全网无损音乐下载神器 2019-04-27 ps磨皮插件 - Portraiture v3.5汉化版 2020-03-13 Postman for Win32 2018-04-04 千库网全站素材解析...
windows64位系统下载地址: Mac安装:brew install scrcp 二)python+scrcpy实现将安卓设备录屏并保存到pc本地 示例代码: importos,datetimedefscreenrecords(): now_time='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-...
Push file to deviceTo push a file to /sdcard/Download/ on the device, drag & drop a (non-APK) file to the scrcpy window.There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.The target directory can be changed on start:scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/Movies/Audio forwardingAud...
scrcpy (v3.1) pronounced "screencopy" This application mirrors Android devices (video and audio) connected via USB orover TCP/IP, and allows to control the device with the keyboard and the mouse of the computer. It does not require anyrootaccess. It works onLinux,WindowsandmacOS. ...
黑域(网名) 创始人,出生于广东90后一枚,是一位长期关注 软件、互联网、APP应用与各种开发技术的 IT 爱好者,从始至今保持初心,致力于打造良心软件的栖息之地。 一起发展,投投稿?|加入收藏|保存桌面|去Windows软件专栏看看|回到首页看看?| 关于黑域基地
Scrcpy 支持 Windows,Linux 和 macOS。 官方下载:GitHub - Genymobile/scrcpy: Display and control your Android device 国内下载:Scrcpy-win32/64-v2.4 QtScrcpy 国内下载:QtScrcpy 2.1.2 网上的Scrcpy的教程很多,笔者把 Scrcpy 的英文官方手册和命令行的帮助文档全部翻译成了中文,力争写出一篇最懵逼最详细的中文命...
scrcpy 是一个在电脑上显示和控制 Android 设备的命令行工具,适用于 GNU/Linux、Windows 和 Mac OS,且无需 root
📥 Download Scrcpy 2.0 Packages have been made available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can get them from itsGitHub page. Scrcpy (GitHub) For installation instructions, refer to the instructions on GitHub to successfully set it up for your PC/mobile. ...
On Windows, justdownload scrcpy for Windows,adbis included. Make sure youenabled adb debuggingon your device(s). The client requiresFFmpegandLibSDL2. On Windows, they are included in theprebuilt application. Build and install System-specific steps ...