./sndcpy<serial>#replace <serial> by the device serial (omit./on Windows) It will install the app on the device and start forwarding audio. PressCtrl+cin the terminal to stop (except on Windows, just disconnect the device or stop capture from the device notifications). ...
It has been themost requested featuresince the first version of Scrcpy released five years ago, and now it's here. The lead developer experimented a lot, initially by developing'USBaudio'as a solution, but it performed pretty poorly. Then he moved on to a new prototype called'sndcpy',an ...
./sndcpy If several devices are connected (listed byadb devices): ./sndcpy<serial>#replace <serial> by the device serial (omit./on Windows) It will install the app on the device, and request permission to start audio capture: Once you clicked onSTART NOW, pressEnterin the console to sta...
推送文件到设备 要将文件推送到/sdcard/Download/设备上,请将(非 APK)文件拖放到scrcpy窗口。 没有视觉反馈,日志打印到控制台。 目标目录可以在启动时更改: scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/电影/ 音频转发 scrcpy不转发音频。使用sndcpy。 另请参阅问题 #14。 快捷方式 在下面的列表中,MOD是快捷方式修饰符。默...
Sync device speaker sound to the computer (based on sndcpy, Android 10+ only) Shortcuts ActionShortcut (Windows)Shortcut (macOS) Switch fullscreen mode Ctrl+f Cmd+f Resize window to 1:1 (pixel-perfect) Ctrl+g Cmd+g Resize window to remove black borders Ctrl+w | Double-click¹ Cmd+...
Audio is not forwarded byscrcpy. Usesndcpy. Also seeissue #14. Shortcuts In the following list,MODis the shortcut modifier. By default, it's (left)Altor (left)Super. It can be changed using--shortcut-mod. Possible keys arelctrl,rctrl,lalt,ralt,lsuperandrsuper. For example: ...
scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/Download/ Audio forwarding Audio is not forwarded byscrcpy. Usesndcpy. Also seeissue #14. Shortcuts In the following list,MODis the shortcut modifier. By default, it's (left)Altor (left)Super. It can be changed using--shortcut-mod. Possible keys arelctrl,r...
scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/Download/ Audio forwarding Audio is not forwarded byscrcpy. Usesndcpy. Also seeissue #14. Shortcuts In the following list,MODis the shortcut modifier. By default, it's (left)Altor (left)Super. It can be changed using--shortcut-mod. Possible keys arelctrl,r...
scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/Download/ Audio forwarding Audio is not forwarded byscrcpy. Usesndcpy. Also seeissue #14. Shortcuts In the following list,MODis the shortcut modifier. By default, it's (left)Altor (left)Super. It can be changed using--shortcut-mod. Possible keys arelctrl,r...
./sndcpy<serial>#replace <serial> by the device serial (omit./on Windows) It will install the app on the device and start forwarding audio. PressCtrl+cin the terminal to stop (except on Windows, just disconnect the device or stop capture from the device notifications). ...