When you complete the Scrcpy downloadon your Windows device, it executes a server that communicates with the app via a USB cord or an ABD tunnel. As you connect your phone to your PC and launch the application, you will need toenable USB debugging. Next, the server willsend a video of ...
https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/download/v1.8/scrcpy-win32-v1.8.zip 64位: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/download/v1.8/scrcpy-win64-v1.8.zip Mac使用Homebrew通过brew install scrcpy命令进行安装。 LinuxArch Linux 可以使用AUR安装scrcpy:https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/...
/sdcard/Download/ 目录。 传输文件的过程完成后以及传输过程中不会有视觉反馈,但在终端会输出一条日志。 我实测用这个功能往手机传输文件的时候发现,文件名不能太长,否则文件被传输到手机上以后,超过一定长度的后,后面的字符串就会被删去,这会导致原本的后缀也被去除掉。 如果想要修改推送到哪个目录,可以再启动 ...
Scrcpy GUI, free download. Scrcpy GUI is a free and open-source graphical user interface for the scrcpy desktop application that allows users to control and mirror their Android device on their desktop.
将非APK 文件拖放至 scrcpy 窗口,默认会推送文件到设备的 /sdcard/Download/ 不会有视觉反馈,终端会输出一条日志。经实验,文件名不能有中文和空格。 可以在推送时指定设备上的目标目录: scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/Movies/ --- 键盘 --- SDK键盘 在此模式...
To push a file to /sdcard/Download/ on the device, drag & drop a (non-APK) file to the scrcpy window.There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.The target directory can be changed on start:scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/Movies/...
Security Insights Additional navigation options master 573Branches54Tags Code README Apache-2.0 license This GitHub repo (https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy) is the only official source for the project. Do not download releases from random websites, even if their name containsscrcpy. ...
https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/download/v1.24/scrcpy-win64-v1.24.zip 下载scrcpy-win64-v1.24.zip(包含adb在内的所有依赖组件)。 SHA-256: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 6ccb64cba0a3e75715e85a188daeb4f306a1985f8ce123eba92ba74fc9b27367 ...
Do not download releases from random websites, even if their name contains scrcpy. scrcpy (v3.1) pronounced "screen copy" This application mirrors Android devices (video and audio) connected via USB or over TCP/IP, and allows to control the device with the keyboard and the mouse of the ...
要将文件推送到/sdcard/Download/设备上,请将(非 APK)文件拖放到scrcpy窗口。 没有视觉反馈,日志打印到控制台。 目标目录可以在启动时更改: scrcpy --push-target=/sdcard/电影/ 音频转发 scrcpy不转发音频。使用sndcpy。 另请参阅问题 #14。 快捷方式 ...