scrawly handwriting 读音:美英 scrawly handwriting基本解释 鬼画符 分词解释 scrawly瞎画的 handwriting书法,手书
scrawly handwriting 鬼画符汉英翻译 scrawly handwriting鬼画符; 词组短语 逃出鬼画符房间Symbols Room Escape 双语例句 1. He scrawls, and no one can recognize what he writes. 他写字像鬼画符,没人能认出来。 —— 给力词典精选 2. Stop being a hypocrite, I already know what´s on your mind. ...
Inflectionsof 'scrawly' (adj): scrawlier adj comparative scrawliest adj superlative WordReference Definition WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语中文 scrawlyadj(handwriting: scribbled)SCSimplified Chinese潦草的liáo cǎo de ...
Not the scrawly handwriting he had when he was sick but the neat firm writing he used to have. Non gli scarabocchi incerti di quando era malato, ma la calligrafia netta e precisa che aveva prima. Literature I thought they were just scrawly scribbles and that was all! Pensavo fosse...
He knew this far better than the poor, scrawly, uncultivated handwriting which he had seen so little. FromProject Gutenberg A mist came up out of the past and blurred the scrawly letters until they swam before my eyes and faded out of sight. ...
She scrawled a few words on the postcard. 她在明信片上草草地写了几个字。 用作名词(n.) Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. 你漂亮的字体把我的潦草字迹比得见不得人。 权威例句 Open another window——Monologue of a maker for scrawly things ...
英文 意大利文 scarabocchiato adjective And she wrote somescrawlythings that I got someone to read for me. E le mi avevascarabocchiatoqualcosa che mi ero fatto leggere. GlosbeMT_RnD 显示算法生成的翻译 将“scrawly"自动翻译成 意大利文 scrawly ...
词组短语 1.Scrawly Handwriting 鬼画符 相邻词汇 同音词、形近词、关联词及派生词... NASA kotlin android targetframework starter savanna blade 立项英文 tdb jerrymaguire tamagotchi 大帽子英文 i left my heart in san francisco 弹弓英文 scrawly是什么意思 scrawly怎么读 scrawly在线翻译 scrawly中文意思 s...