Do you make new files by pixel size or by inches? I usually go by pixels (ex: 2500x3000 or something like that), but I apparently I had accidentally switched to inches and it would only let me max the numbers to 1000. Went back to pixels and it all worked out! Vo...
int VMXONSize = 2 * VMXON_SIZE; BYTE * Buffer = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(VMXONSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE, PhysicalMax); // Allocating a 4-KByte Contigous Memory region MmAllocateContigouslyMemory 分配的内存未初始化。内核模式驱动程序必...
Hook->Trampoline = PoolManagerRequestPool(EXEC_TRAMPOLINE, TRUE, MAX_EXEC_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE); if (!Hook->Trampoline) { LogError("Could not allocate trampoline function buffer."); return FALSE; } /* Copy the trampoline instructions in. */ RtlCopyMemory(Hook->Trampoline, TargetFunction, SizeOfHooke...
PhysicalMax.QuadPart = MAXULONG64; int VMXONSize = 2 * VMXON_SIZE; BYTE * Buffer = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(VMXONSize + ALIGNMENT_PAGE_SIZE, PhysicalMax); // Allocating a 4-KByte Contigous Memory region MmAllocateContigouslyMemory 分配的内存未初始化。内核模式驱动程序必须首先将此内存设置为零...
在第七部分中,我们将了解如何通过配置 VMCS 并创建基于内存类型范围寄存器 (MTRR) 的标识表来虚拟化当前运行的系统,然后使用监视功能来检测某些 Windows 功能的执行情况。 这部分深受Simplevisor和Gbhv的启发。 这部分分为七个主要部分: 最后,我将讨论调试虚拟机管理程序和 EPT 时需要了解的一些重要注意事项。
x = tok_embeds + pos_embeds # Shape [batch_size, num_tokens, emb_size] x = self.drop_emb(x) x = self.trf_blocks(x) x = self.final_norm(x) logits = self.out_head(x) return logits def generate_text_simple(model, idx, max_new_tokens, context_size): # idx is (B, T) arr...
ChainSizeInBytes <= ST->getMaxPrivateElementSize(); } return true; } 4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 4 llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/GCNSubtarget.h Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -591,6 +591,10 @@ class GCNSubtarget final : public AMDGPUGenSubtargetInfo...
moduleswhenthe=ALLhasbeenrequestedcangeneratelargescratch filesinSCR300. DBALLandMASTERareusedforrestarts Scratch-3 DATABASES Therearedefaultsforthescratchfilesizes 250000blocksforLOGICALand250000blocksforSCR300 1BLOCK=1BUFFSIZE(seeKEYWORDS) Theselimitsarenotcommunicatedtotheoperatingsystem NASTRANdoesnotcheckif...
PageTable=MmAllocateContiguousMemory((sizeof(VMM_EPT_PAGE_TABLE)/PAGE_SIZE)*PAGE_SIZE,MaxSize);if(PageTable==NULL){LogError("Failed to allocate memory for PageTable");returnNULL;}// Zero out all entries to ensure all unused entries are marked Not PresentRtlZeroMemory(PageTable,sizeof(VMM_...