This innovative app draws inspiration from Scratch, a widely popular programming language utilized by millions of young individuals aged 8 and older worldwide. In developing ScratchJr, the interface and programming language were reimagined to suit the developmental needs of younger children. Each feature...
You are about to download theScratchJr 1.2.1 App crx file for Chrome based browsers: ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5 and up) to create their own interactive… ... The offline & original crx file ofScratchJr v1.2.1was fully archived from...
ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5 and up) to create their own interactive stories and games. Children...
版本号V1.2.6,支持包括中文在内的五种语言,并修补了一些软件BUG,如果大家还想要进一步了解版本更新或其它应用相关资讯,可以访问 scratchjr的官网( 查询。 此外,如果ScratchJr已经不能满足孩子们对编程学习的热情,小编也建议大家可以选择更加转业且全面的编程语言学习工具:啊哈编程星球,其中包括python和C++...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. ScratchJr4+ Scratch Foundation, Inc. Designed for iPad 3.9 • 1.3K Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5-7) learn important new skills as they program their own interactive stories and games....
拥有iPhone或者iPad的用户可直接在应用商店搜索“ScratchJr”,下载官方版本,即可使用; 拥有Android(安卓)手机或者平板的用户,可点击后面的下载链接进行安装; 如果想在Windows电脑上运行,有两种方式; 一种是采用安装安卓模拟器的方式...
This impressive suite evenworks offlineso kids can still create and save their projects even without a stable internet connection present. However, if your child is new to this programming activity, it is more recommended for them to start their journey withScratchJras it is more beginner-friendl...
ScratchJr uses the Firebase SDK to record analytics for the app. Scratch Team developers should look for the configuration files in the Scratch Devs Vault. If you're not on the Scratch Team, then you'll need to set up your ownapp analyticswith Google Firebase. It's free. Firebase will ... 2、网页在线版 3、Pad版 在AppStore或安卓商店搜索ScratchJr下载。 声明:本文章由网友投稿作为教育分享用途,如有侵权原作者可通过邮件及时和我们联系删除