The meaning of SCRATCH is to scrape or dig with the claws or nails. How to use scratch in a sentence. Did you know?
The meaning of SCRATCH is to scrape or dig with the claws or nails. How to use scratch in a sentence. Did you know?
scratch your head 冥思苦想;迷惑不解 A lot of people must be scratching their heads about which way to vote. 一定有很多人在冥思苦想应该把票投给哪一方。His decision to pull the plug on the lucrative program has everyone scratching their heads.他结束获利丰厚的项目让大家迷惑不解。 They scratc...
scratch one's head 对某事迷惑不解;搔首;为难;搔头皮 挠头;抓耳挠腮;抓头皮 例句筛选 1.At times like this, one feels honour-bound to scratch one's head.在这种时候,人们会觉得有必要表示一下困惑。2.Proper when my scratch one's head over, paasche graceful explanation path:I a...
这个短语一般是用在形容某人抓破头皮想某件事的时候用 意思就是“抓破头皮去想”望采纳
scratch one's head overv. 迷惑不解 Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar外表不能改变本质 Scratch a Russian and you will find a 文明不能改变本性. on scratch正点,准时 on the scratch在起跑线上 if you will如果你愿意那样说的话 ...
某公司年会请了外国客户,舞台上有个员工表演过于夸张,同事跟旁边人悄声说 “你看她搔首弄姿的”,结果他用蹩脚英语来了句 “She scratches her head and makes funny poses”,外国客户一脸茫然。这句中式英语生硬又没抓住精髓,这尴尬一幕让大家直摇头。
scratch one's head “scratch one's head”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 1. 迷惑不解 He was scratching his head over the question. 他对这一问题困惑不解。 相关词语 scratchoneshead
scratch one's head是什么意思scratch one's head例句 最后更新时间:2025-02-02 09:33:51 scratch one's head是什么意思 v. 搔头皮 挠头 搔搔头皮 抓耳挠腮 scratch one's head 例句 1.Son scratch one's head asks again: " If mom gave birth to the 3 rd? " ...
scratch your head 把你的头 双语对照 例句:1.Here's another study that will make you scratch your head about corporate america.这项最新研究可能会让人们看着美国企业界再次直挠头。