1. 离线版(Offline Editor) 在浏览器地址栏输入https://scratch.mit.edu/ 拉到页面的最下面,点击Support下的OfflineEditor, 安装Windows版的AdobeAIR软件 安装Scratch Offline Editor 在开始菜单程序列表里面,选择刚刚安装的Scratch程序 下面就是程序启动后整个编辑器的界面 2.在线版(Online Editor) 在浏览器地址栏输...
在这个官网里点See examples后拉到页底点击离线编辑器,如果你是Windows用户,就在2栏中选择Windows,如果是Mac用户,就点Mac。Scratch Offline Editor https://scratch.mit.edu/scratch2download/
1、介绍Etherpad 是一个基于 nodejs 的在线文档编辑器,服务端性能可以得到保证,多个客户端的操作是即时同步的,而且对文档数据提供了存储的支持。2、运行命令行进行项目根目录后,运行 /bin/run.sh,项目即可运行到,输入 /admin 可进入管理员界面进行配置管理(开启 admin 管理界面需要将 settings.json...
Open source version of the Scratch 2.0 project editor. This is the basis for the online and offline versions of Scratch found on the website. ActionScript1.3k512 scratch-vmscratch-vmPublic Virtual Machine used to represent, run, and maintain the state of programs for Scratch 3.0 ...
Previously, localization for Scratch focused primarily on the editor and the website. Transifex has made it possible to extend this to include the Scratch app, videos, and more resources for educators, including the Scratch in Practice and Learning Creative Learning websites, tutorial videos, and ...
“Continue with number...”按钮代码:“Test a single number...”按钮代码:Indicator角色(用来显示判断单个数功能的结果)的代码: 冯铄David ScEr 11 项目已更新,优化了算法并修正了一个错误。更新日志及更改的源码见官网项目链接:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/161106984/#editor Km698 ScStu 9 ...
You can find these images yourself on royalty-free websites such as Unsplash and Shutterstock and then send them to a professional image editor to add new pictures to your branding. Blog posts virtually always need at least one image associated with them. Getting a graphic designer on ...
The latest version ofScratch download for Windowsincludes various new features that can help expand the learning mechanism. It now comes with anupdated sound editor, additional programming tools, and the ability to create a dozen or more sprites. It also expands the way students can use Scratch ...
Extensions are written in JavaScript for the online ScratchX project editor. This documentation serves as a guide for developers who want to create Experimental Extensions for Scratch and run them on the ScratchX platform. If you are not a developer and have have questions about using ScratchX ...
1. Integrated Development Environment 1.1. Menu 1.2. Code blocks 1.3. Script editor 1.4. Stage 1.5. Program Controls 1.6. Sprite Control 1.7. Backdrop Control 2. Motion 2.1. Basic moving 2.2. Basic Rotation 2.3. Moving to a random position 2.4. Moving to the mouse pointer 2.5. Moving to ...