hubscr=$KALDI_ROOT/tools/sctk/bin/ [ ! -f $hubscr ] && echo "Cannot find scoring program at $hubscr" && exit 1; hubdir=`dirname $hubscr` for f in $data/text $lang/words.txt $dir/lat.1.gz; do [ ! -f $f ] && echo "$0: expecting file $f to exist" && exi...
Durante la distribuzione e la gestione di Connected Customer Service con IoTHub, ci sono delle considerazioni e dei prerequisiti per la sottoscrizione di Azure.PrerequisitiPuoi distribuire e gestire Connected Customer Service con IoTHub solo in un unico tenant di Azure, che deve essere ...
三星Galaxy 4G 5G Mobile Wi-Fi SCR01随身WiFi 插卡路由器适用5G 随身wifi Galaxy 5G Mobile kindrays 5581 1 03:40 HTC 5G Hub HTC RTX 路由器,随身wifi,(NSA网络,不支持独立SA)骁龙855处理器,4+32储存组双立体声扬声器,7660毫安大电池。 kindrays 3761 5 02:25 一次购买格行随身Wi-Fi的愉快体验...
today, it showed well sevral times , but then its back ground become blue screen. not transparent any more. when setting password required for rise up, its back ground became black screen. when dobble click to (bubbles.scr) , there is a black frame last ...
If you stumbled upon this page from the PayPal website, simply click the PayPal logo in the top left corner to return to the UK home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again. If you wish to sign up to PayPal, please click the PayPal logo and then click the...
Hi there, I use the Maps Javascript API for various projects and I've noticed a spike over the last few days in terms of Google services usage from a
PayPal将作为付款选项而被添加到登录物品页面。卖家甚至可以在开启PayPal账户之前将PayPal添加到登录物品上。只要在 eBay 登录物品页面选择PayPal作为付款方式,并填好您用来付款的电子邮件地址,就能收到买家的在线付款了。在收到第一笔付款时,您将完成PayPal的快速注册过程。返回页首 ...
danpovey merged 1 commit into kaldi-asr:master from kkm000:fishfix Jul 28, 2015 Conversation 0 Commits 1 Checks 0 Files changed fisher_english scoring does not really need from sctk. d7d76fe Workflow runs completed with no jobs ...
"Dubby Disco Boyz, Chemars, Hotmood, Scruscru, Rick Marshall, DJ Popinjay, Corrado Alunni, Gips, Khubos, Bonetti, BUFS, Demarkus Lewis, Harvey Ross, D.P.V., Akeem Raphael, BBwhite, Alexny, C. Da Afro, GooDisco, Daisuke Miyamoto, DiscoGalactiX, Antonio Sa