延长SCR 脱硝催化剂使用寿命的方法 14小时前 一、优化运行条件 控制温度 严格控制废气温度在催化剂的最佳活性温度范围内,一般为 300 - 400。安装准确可靠的温度监测设备,实时监控废气温度,避免温度过高或过低对催化剂造成损害。 当废气温度异常波动时,及时调整生产工艺或采取相应...
The micro porous crystal moleculoar sieve which (a) at least includes silicon, aluminum and phosphorus, possesses 8 ring hole size (b) the catalytic converter which includes the succession metal restoration to the said moleculoar sieve under restoration quantitative approximately 1wt%. Choice ...
职位关闭 高级Java开发工程师(SCR方向) - K· 薪 NIO蔚来 汽车研发/制造 已上市 更换职位 招聘中 SaaS技术部-高级Java开发工程师 - K· 薪 美团 互联网 不需要融资 更换职位 立即沟通职位详情 上海 3-5年 本科 后端工程师 Java - 负责用户服务调度中心、用户专属群、呼叫中心、用户反馈、用户评价体系...
A tank for storing the additive (1), the injector (4), a pump for conveying the additive injector (4) from the tank through (5) the injection line and (3), SCR a purge unit capable of purging the SCR system by reversing to the tank from the injectors flow system, a primary filter...