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Bankruptcy law is crucial in determining who is responsible for cleaning up abandoned oil wells. In many cases, the companies that have gone bankrupt are not held accountable for the cleanup, as their assets are used to pay off creditors. This leaves the taxpayers to foot the bill, as the ...
Describe how scenarios and models are used in scenario analysis to assess transition risk. Explain how scenario analysis is used for assessing physical risk. Examine how all types of corporations (financial and non-financial) use climate scenario analysis. Describe how financial firms use climate scen...
As a result of their functions in this SCR circuit S1 may be called the Off switch and S2 the ON switch. In this configuration S1 needs to be able to carry the full load current, while S2 only needs to be able to carry the gate current. Once the SCR is on, the switch ...
In response to this need, Zeefax have created the world’s first full size SCR Training Simulator, which accurately mimics the a real SCR; it looks and feels like the real thing, providing a realistic experience of live field operations – but without the dangerous high voltage. This system ...
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) typically reside in perivascular niches, but whether endothelial cells of blood vessels influence the stemness of cancer cells remains poorly understood. This study revealed that endothelial cell-specific GLTSCR1 deletion promote
The Horiba sensor uses a Zirconia multi-layer ceramic sensing material, and is able to measure NO directly in the exhaust stream. It was calibrated over a measurement range of 0–1500ppm, has an accuracy of ±30–45ppm and <0.7s response time to 63% of full range. It is an analogue ...
+ + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether...