SCPH-1200Analog Controller (DUALSHOCK)It's the third type of controller for PlayStation. Two analog sticks and two vibrating motors are added from second type controller. The stick is a convex type. The analog mode switch is switched to two; a digital mode, an analog mode(RED). There is...
DualShock - Joypad - DualShock (SCPH-1200) Analog Controller - Joypad - PlayStation Dual Analog Controller(SCPH-1180) Analog Joystick - Joypad - PlayStation Analog Joystick (SCPH-1110) Guncon / G-Con 45 - Lightgun - Namco Gun Controller (SLEH-00007) Justifier - Lightgun - Konami Justifier ...
SCPH-1200Analog Controller (DUALSHOCK)It's the third type of controller for PlayStation. Two analog sticks and two vibrating motors are added from second type controller. The stick is a convex type. The analog mode switch is switched to two; a digital mode, an analog mode(RED). There is...
+0.110+3.24% 收盘价 01/13 16:00 (美东) 1.76亿总市值-1.80市盈率TTM 3.560最高价3.300最低价20.11万股成交量3.350今开3.400昨收69.49万成交额0.75%换手率亏损市盈率(静)5004.01万总股本6.54052周最高5.72市净率9381.13万流通值3.07552周最低--股息TTM2672.69万流通股18.170历史最高--股息率TTM7.64%振幅2.440历史...
选股器 热力图 机构追踪 美股市场个股详情 SCPH scPharmaceuticals 添加自选 3.270 -0.140-4.11% 收盘价 02/06 16:00 (美东) 3.270 0.0000.00% 盘后20:01 (美东) 1.64亿总市值-1.68市盈率TTM 3.400最高价3.260最低价17.84万股成交量3.330今开3.410昨收59.07万成交额0.67%换手率亏损市盈率(静)5004.01万总股本...
SONY Play Station รุ่นพิเศษดั้งเดิม (SCPH-5903, SCPH-7000W, DTL-H1000, DTL-H1000H, DTL-H1001, DTL-H1001H, DTL-H1002, DTL-H1100, DTL-H1101, DTL-H1102, DTL-H1200, DTL-H1201, DTL-H1202, DTL-H3000, DTL-H3001, DTL-H3002)...
我当年也是花1200买的厚版ps1质量非常好,每天平均三四个小时,五年都不用换光头。可惜后来换了DC。 来自Android客户端6楼2018-01-24 14:01 回复 - 高一年级 13 我想问我这个是什么版本的,右上角还有videocd,太古老了还放北房吃灰 来自Android客户端7楼2018-01-26 04:02 收起回复 dhr2489525 托儿所 1...
购够网提供SONY PlayStation プレイステーション PS1 プレステ1 SCPH-7000 本体 付属品あり 通電確認済 ,结束竞拍时间:12月15日 20:49:56。卖家:w2tzx30。发货地址:長野県。购够网,提供专业的日本代购平台。
I don't own the game myself, so I need feedback from other players check out thepostscriptum branchfor the code map files are stored in another repository: Features highly accurate elevation and bearing calculation, using heightmaps and mortar shell tra...
不过滤,10月7号国庆最后一天通过@微博抽奖平台 抽,听说铁粉中奖率更高。 O抽奖详情 û收藏 100 56 ñ47 c +关注 科技圈 今天10:57 Tim也去了华为Mate XT交付现场,足以见得对于华为这款三折的喜爱,羡慕图里的朋友,手速果然快,能原价抢到三折~ û...