SCP-4043-B has the additional effect of altering ecosystems and animal behaviour in ways that are directly harmful to humans. Since its creation, drought, famine and insect infestation of crop yields have increased in arable territory. Aggressive behaviour in ...
节制镇重现在上白垩纪的同一地理位置。SCP-4003及周边区域的岩石学表明其临近西部内陆海道[白垩纪时期位于今日北美大陆的大片内海],故为亚热带气候;这与当代蒙大拿的干旱完全不同。 下面是部分在SCP-4003内发现的化石及文物 化石列表 展示在Site-11的被修复霸王龙。发现自SCP-4003。 文物列表 图中人物当前身份未知。
SCP-4003 was discovered in 1871 by gold miners from the nearby Everwood Mine. Foundation field operatives were dispatched to the dig site to evaluate the reports of human remains being found deep underground in newly created tunnels. Though originally believed to beHomo neanderthalensisspecimens, the...
关于 公司招聘 新闻 联系我们 使用条款 隐私政策 數位服務法案 全域网站地图 本地网站地图 Manage Preferences 社区 社区中心 支持 帮助 广告投放 媒体服务 Fandom App 和你最喜爱的粉丝社区保持同步,不要错过精彩内容。 SCP基金会 Wiki是一个Fandom上的生活社区。 查看移动版网站 Follow...
中元恐怖——《早梅詩》是繁中分部在2024年農曆七月期間所發布的原創恐怖SCP合輯。 接下來的二十日內,二十位本分部的作者將發布二十篇全新的SCP作品,▶前往中心頁。 全球跨分部合作 國際翻譯檔案庫 蒐羅各分部以自身語言原創的作品——來自不同國家地區的SCP、故事和其他林林總總作品的英文翻譯,盡在國際翻譯檔案...
请各位编辑者注意:不喜欢本页面也不要破坏,这对我们的补充工作造成了极大的麻烦 这里收录的是由SCP总部发现的收容物,每个地区所使用的收容物编号不同。若您想查看您当地分部的收容物,请点我跳转。 SCP-001: {NO DATA} SCP-000-0753: “烛石之变” •SCP-001:[绝对机
This project is being primarily developed by the English SCP Wiki'sTechnical Teamas part of Project Foundation, however other contributors are welcome. Issues are tracked on ourJira. Questions and comments can be posted in ourGeneral Information forum, or in#site11on SkipIRC. ...
This site news contains an announcement on progress on the wikijump project, a contest by the Spanish branch, and the English branch's public domain contest! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP ROUNDERHOUSE's Bone Proposal byRounderhouse|Selected by PlaguePJP and zoempaws ...
The Foundation maintains and operates a large number of facilities worldwide, from small outposts with only a handful of staff to large complexes with thousands of personnel. The following document contains a list of major Foundation facilities, but is not intended to be fully comprehensive. These...