Nexus Hub— The page originally created for listing Nexus formats. International Locations of Interest— An international version of this page. Locations of Interest-JP— Locations of Interest translated from the Japanese Wiki. Locations of Interest-IT— Locations of Interest from the Italian Wiki. ...
特派员:GOC特工负责观察科学,考古学,和其他可能意外出现超威胁的地方。 大使:与非敌对超自然势力保持外交关系。 PTOLEMY Division(神秘部门) GOC的支援支部。负责支持GOC的其他分支并维持组织的流畅运转。 军需部门:后期和补给。负责从分发武器和装甲到协调GOC设施的食物和补给事宜的一切事物。 研发部门:协调108个成员组...
GOC Tales Foundation Interactions THE GLOBAL OCCULT COALITION From the Desk of the Under-Secretary General You are here because you want to know more. Whether you're a PHYSICS Division recruit, part of one of our 108 member organizations, an outsider, or simply a concerned civilian, you're ...
“So Owen, what do you think the GOC’s got its hands on this time?” Owen adjusted his shoelaces. “You know, they say—or at least their internal communications say—that they think this hole has information about the Ahnenerbe’s new toys. But who knows? They might find something mo...
The association’s policies and activities radically deviate from the standards of the GOC, often receiving technological and financial sanctions from them. For these reasons, the Foundation has continued to maintain maximum caution around the Gogyō-Kessha. To see all documents tagged with gogyō-...
关于GOC 全球超自然联盟是一个由Kain Pathos Crow在SCP基金会维基早期创造的一个相关组织。受到一个关于苏联红军于1950年代弒神的creepypasta所启发,它设定了在超自然世界中的另外一个,但同样强大的势力的存在。如果说SCP基金会致力于寻找,捕获以及收容超自然物体,那么联盟就是致力于一个更加不同,更加直接的方法:彻底...
~ Joshua Greenfield of the GOC from "The Appalachian Scar". SCP-3125, also known as The Escapee, is a major antagonists in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Keter class living meme and omnipresent entity inhabiting the human collective consciousness and killing anyone who learns of it. It...
曝光世界观吧 基金会和goc出了问题导致一场异常引起的超级大风暴毁灭了整个朝鲜 造成了上百万死伤 基金会瞒不住了然后进入帷幕破碎状态 来自Android客户端3楼2023-09-18 16:14 收起回复 猹行千里吃瓜 惊奇雪糕 6 来自Android客户端4楼2023-09-18 19:...
使命,在cn的第一篇外围,小时候写的一个中二小短文,模仿GOC使命宣言的 SCP-CN-1357 - 线上时光机,在cn的第一篇skip,无限回溯互联网时间的神秘盒子 SCP-CN-2005 - 现实一种,cn2k“不一定”竞赛作品,试图计算未来的全视超级计算机,沙盒(重写计划)见此 ...
~ Excerpt from the Finnfolk Penumbra in the "Seas of Orcadia Hub". “My flesh does not burn, for i have forged it with my soul. My flesh does not rot, for i have claimed my body as my own. My flesh does not fear, for i have let it consume my mind. ...