SCP-001» Dr Clef's Proposal SCP-001 photographed from the vantage point at Site 0. Note the four flaming "wing" appendages located above and to either side of the figure. Item #:SCP-001 Object Class:Euclid/Keter Special Containment Procedures:Because of the nature of SCP-001, no contai...
DrClef为他工作,且中国分部的上层叙事管理员 Areyoucrazytom事实上是他所控制的肉偶。据估计SCP-cloud-001已经叙写了整个SCP数据库文件的85%,并且早在2006年起便引导它的发展方向至今——那时他给了swn-001个体 Moto42一些有关日本雕塑的友好建议,[数据已编辑]最近ta决定用自己的名字写文档。
001 Proposals SCP-001 (Jonathan Ball's Proposal) • (Dr Gears' Proposal) • (Dr Clef's Proposal) • (qntm's proposal) • (SCP-001:O5) • (Dr. Mann's Proposal) • (Swann's Proposal) 2-50 SCP-002 • SCP-003 (SCP-003-1, SCP-003-2) • SCP-004 (SCP-004-1) ...
On January 19th of 2008, an anonymous user created the SCP Wiki on the EditThis wiki farm. This action helped spark the beginning of an actual community based on the universe created by the SCP-173 post. There had been other creations inspired by SCP-173 and there was now a place where...
SCP-173 is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation mythos. It is a statue which can move at a very high speed and can snap the neck of any life form. It is perhaps the most famous SCP of all time and the first one ever written and caught. It is als
“Clef博士的提案”,作者 DrClef,来自 SCP 维基。原文链接:。译者 MScarlet,来自 SCP-CN 维基。译文链接:。遵循 CC-BY-SA 协议。 项目编号:SCP-001 项目等级:Euclid/Ke
这发生于我们进行大编辑(Mass Edit)以清理网站前那遥远狂野的日子,所以当时我们没什么大程序能一次过大量删除这类条目。网站的管理者们注意到这点,而DrClef决定对此采取行动。一位名为Dantenson的用户撰写了SCP-239,巫魔**。于2008年11月,DrClef在此文章的讨论页上留下这段话:...
Dr. Clef's Proposal - "The Gate Guardian" This entry is among the most well-known 001 articles on the wiki. It describes a massive angelic entity with at least four wings on its back. It carries a massive fiery sword, which it uses to annihilate anything that comes within one kilometer...
Dr. Clef ranks it as one of the jewels that can protect the world from beings like the Scarlet King. When questioning why he did not attempt to abuse the SCP-166, while trying to escape he said: "That would be wrong and I was not raised in a family to commit a horrible act like...