Object Class:Euclid Special Containment Procedures:SCP-2241 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. SCP-2241 is to be allowed access to television and comic books and may be denied access to said items as punishment, if required. SCP-2241 maintains a normal human diet but shou...
Ion-1:What do you mean, Ed? Ion-3:I mean, it's just… I don't know. It's like we're going down an esophagus, and we're being digested. Ion-2:What the hell are you talking about, Ed? Ion-1:You have a point, actually. Ion-2:What? Ion-1:The cave system so far has be...
SCP-2599: What does "manifest" mean? Dr. Wensley: When did your special abilities appear or first show? SCP-2599: It was only a few weeks before I got here. Mom told me to clean up my room. She— (SCP-2599 becomes agitated) Sorry. I miss her. I haven't talked to anybody else...
"This church is to other churches what clowns are to people. There are some superficial similarities, but all the wrong things are being emphasized and exaggerated so you can't quite put your finger on what is wrong… Sure, it isn't out to get you, but what does it mean? Why is it...
Doctor ██████:What does this mean? Were you banished from your place of origin? Why? (SCP-2019 creates a copy of itself and of a normal member of its species. Between them is a floating "does not equal" symbol.) Doctor ██████:You were banished from your place of origi...
Minor/Recurring Organizations ||| International Organizations ||| Safe ||| Euclid |||
True Art Is Incomprehensible: In-universe. Individuals of interest Eric Creepy Child: Considering what histoys and other possessionsare like, he is likely to be this. The Ghost Nobody Mysterious Watcher Enigmatic Minion/Mysterious Protector: Alternates between the two. ...
Euclid |||
Euclid, in case you didn't know, means that it doesn't kill you unless you do something that's going to make it kill you.SCP-173 is Euclid because it is a statue. The object cannot move while a direct line of sight is maintained. Line of sight must not be broken at any time ...
I mean, this SCP can do anything it desires. Right now, it's not very harmful, but it could be if that's what it so chose to do. A god. His powers are limitless, but he cares for his creations and decides not to unleash his wrath on Earth. Scp-999 The Tickle Monster is one...