SCP-962 - Tower of Babble Though I Walk Through the Valley Scripture Reservoir Skips SCP-963 - Immortality The Executions of Doctor Bright In Harm's Way We're Off To Be The Lizard An Evening With Bright Unfinished Business: Part II Major Tom The Stars Do Not Wait For You Note: Immor...
Description: Although an entrance located in the Tower of London is contained as part of SCP-2264, the extradimensional city-state of Alagadda is not controlled by the Foundation, but is instead ruled by a powerful reality-bending entity known as the Hanged King. The are additional entrances ...
The room was empty of everything but water and a nine foot tall tower of three black cylinders, electronic eye pulsing dimly orange in the dark. Battery backup only. It was dead, but the knowledge contained within would live. This was the Ark. ...
The floor plan of the warehouse is clear enough, navigable if grim. But from ground level, on foot, the place is a vertiginous, intimidatingly macabre place, even fluorescent-lit around the clock. Hughes walks down an echoing canyon created by, on his left, a hundred-metre-long foreleg b...
Description:SCP-962 is a large metal tower located in a valley in the ██████ Mountains in [REDACTED]. It is made primarily of steel, though other materials are present. The tower is approximately 281 meters tall, with a 2575 square meter base. It twists and tapers somewhat as it...
“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven” - Genesis 11:4 We found the remains of the tower. We rebuilt it. Tomorrow I will test my faith with nuclear fire. Should I die in the process, I’ve made provisions for the results...
C.A.S.S.I.E.将会宣布阿尔法核弹的启动、重新启动和停用,以及到爆炸的时间。当阿尔法核弹头爆炸还有大约45秒的时候,开始播放音乐Ajoura,这实际上是播放核弹公告的音频文件的一部分。 (与其他公告不同,背景噪音和警报声是实际公告的一部分,而不是单独的) ...
Site-02的01分区,也被称为入口区,是SCP:秘密实验室中的四个区域之一。它包含了唯一通往设施外部的出口 操作指南概述 Site-02的01子区是主要的文职人员工作区。这里有各种各样的私人(和公开的)办公空间、员工储物柜,以及供站点工作人员放松和恢复体力的大型开放空间 ...
He fires upon the entity, terminating it and attempting to kick its body loose from the tower. He is unsuccessful. Cpl. Margheriti: Figlio di puttana… The detonation of the SCP-8700-2 instance's body destroys the eastern gun tower, leaving the entire eastern flank overrun. SCP-8700-2 ...
All of Wonder Tower. All of Wonder Tower engulfed in an all consuming never ending uncleanly ego, big enough for everybody. Did I… Did I say 'Polly'?" "You sure did." "…I meant… Brainy." "The hell you mean you meant Brainy?" Marty / Brainy slammed a heavy fist into the ...