求助!!!PS4手柄..win10系统 由于之前手贱点了自动安装驱动手柄被识别为了耳机,各位帮帮我。图片说太宽了无法放上来图片如上,求帮忙
Tip #1: Make sure to plug everything in before installing drivers . This may help troubleshoot any issues.Today's video is like the "last resort" or its the " How To Connect PS3/PS4 Controller Using SCP Toolkit Download link: http://scptoolkit.software.informer.com/1.6/This video is ...
The SCP DSx Service is still checked in msconfig under services and SCP Toolkit Tray Notifications are enabled in the startup list. keithomalley commented Jul 2, 2016 I get this error as well, using a bluetooth dongle and a PS3 controller, I tried checking "Force Install" and the install...