SCP-049 Pl..SCP-049分级:EuclidSCP-049须被看管于研究扇区-██的一个安全的隔间内。禁止将SCP-049从隔间内带离,除非有一个二级以上人员的许可,并且带离之前SCP-049必须实施重度镇定措施
SCP-049是一种虚构的存在,并不存在于现实世界中。它属于SCP基金会维护的一系列虚构的超自然物体纪录。在SCP基金会维护的数 thousand 个 SCP 纪录中, SCP-049并不是被认为最危险的一个。在SCP基金会的描述中,SCP-049被称为“The Plague Doctor”(鼠疫医生), 具有导致疾病流行的能力。它通常会以 19... YouTube频道:I AM *水平有限 如有错误请在评论区指出 会在重制版修正 I Am A Plague Doctor living in Europe during the spread of the Bubonic plague, better known as the Black Death. 展开更多 ...
The plague doctor, known as SCP 049, escaped from security in the lab during experiments. He is very aggressive and intends to take revenge on all employees. Yo…
中世纪的瘟疫医生是一款非常好玩的冒险解谜手游,中世纪的瘟疫医生有着非常压抑的游戏画面,暗色系的游戏风格,加上恐怖的背景音乐,营造出非常恐怖的游戏氛围,玩家被困在一座废弃的医院内,想尽一切办法逃出升天,挑战你的大心脏! 中世纪的瘟疫医生游戏介绍 中世纪的瘟疫医生游戏:每个剧情线索都会发生在其中,各种谜题剧情真实来...
Be the first to review Details Edit Release date April 9, 2019 (Norway) See more company credits at IMDbPro Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing ...
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor SCP-050 - To The Cleverest SCP-051 - Japanese Obstetrical Model SCP-052 - Time-Traveling Train SCP-053 - Young Girl SCP-054 - Water Nymph SCP-055 - [unknown] SCP-056 - A Beautiful Person SCP-057 - The Daily Grind SCP-058 - Heart of Darkness SCP-059 - Ra...
Mourn- [pauses] Perhaps. I had not thought that… It is lamentable that a fellow doctor became infected, but the work continues. Regrettable as… as it was, Dr. Hamm's death provided important insight. Living human subjects are the only way to proceed fo
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor SCP-050 - To The Cleverest SCP-051 - Japanese Obstetrical Model SCP-052 - Time-Traveling Train SCP-053 - Young Girl SCP-054 - Water Nymph SCP-055 - [unknown] SCP-056 - A Beautiful Person SCP-057 - The Daily Grind SCP-058 - Heart of Darkness SCP-059 - Ra...