MTF-丁酉-00 "Death's End" (死神永生) MTF-丁酉-05 "Seven Stimuli" (七发) MTF-丁酉-07 "Slow Tune of Yangzhou" (扬州慢) MTF-戊卯-03 "OB's Tail" (OB的尾巴) MTF-戊卯-06 "Progressers" (攻略组) MTF-戊卯-20 "Horizon Travellers" (天涯旅人) ...
Stories of a World After Death EXCERPT FROM THE FOUNDATION DATABASE OF K-CLASS CONTINGENCIES Scenario Designation:ΩK-Class Likelihood:Near Impossible Severity:Survivable, but requires moderate restructuring of human civilization Description:An ΩK-Class ("End-of-Death") Scenario refers to a situation...
The Second Child Document #017-1 Shadow of a Doubt SCP-018 - Super Ball Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki SCP-023 - Black Shuck Mothers' Love SCP-024 - Game Show of Death Welcome To Todays Episode SCP-026 - Afterschool Retention Welcome Home Again (a 026 tale) SCP-027 -...
Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 6 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 5000 to 5099 SCP-5000 - Why? SCP-5001 - Sacrosanct SCP-5002 - A Death in Containment SCP-5003 - Powerless SCP-5004 - MEGALOMANIA SC...
SCP-3239 - When Death Comes Calling SCP-3240 - The Bones Of What You Believe SCP-3241 - The SS Sommerfeld SCP-3242 - Operative Disease Mouse SCP-3243 - The Green Warden SCP-3244 - Mountain Dew: Code Red SCP-3245 - Mr. Playing Games Is Bad For Your Health SCP-3246 - Nyctophobia: ...
Mourn- [pauses] Perhaps. I had not thought that… It is lamentable that a fellow doctor became infected, but the work continues. Regrettable as… as it was, Dr. Hamm's death provided important insight. Living human subjects are the only way to proceed fo
Writing a decision, meeting, reward, change in personality, change in feeling towards individuals, change in health, method of death, or any other notable achievement or life event into a book will cause that event to transpire for the appropriate individual at the first possible opportunity. ...
化身批准在对克服人体固有极限的研究中考察某些研究资产应用的请求蔚蓝游隼行动赐予之主轮回Deus Vulture生死一息间Death PerceptionThe Powers That Bark 回到顶部 机动特遣队Psi-7(“Home Improvement”-家居装饰)  特遣队任务:机动特遣队Psi-7擅长秘密调查、收容和/或爆破被异常影响的建筑或建筑群,特别是人口密集区...
SCP-3086 - Death of the Author, etc. SCP-3087 - 幽行夜車 SCP-3088 - Law Of The Land SCP-3089 - That Old Time Religion SCP-3090 - This girl's gone bad on a game attack! SCP-3091 - Temporal Funnel Trap SCP-3092 - Gorilla Warfare SCP-3093 - The Color Vulvide SCP-3094 - Fall...
had been replaced by a mixture of poison ivy and deathcap mushrooms. After two months, Researcher Mills, who had been in charge of testing the regenerative properties of SCP-2952, woke up with poisonous nightshade berries in his mouth, and stakes of hawthorn driven through his hands and feet...