Interference Point: After the characters finish singing the "Monorail" song. Result: SCP-3922-A instances arrive in Springfield via helicopter and arrest conman Lyle Lanley for previously selling a faulty monorail to the city of North Haverbrook. SCP-3922-A instances then explain the nature of ...
SCP-7656 hums the theme song to; "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!". The SCP-7656-1 Event subsequently ceases. This SCP-7656 Event is the longest currently known to the Foundation. Analysis of the game theme hummed by SCP-7656 prior to the termination of the SCP-7656-1 Event concluded that ...
SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and
SCP-173 is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation mythos. It is a statue which can move at a very high speed and can snap the neck of any life form. It is perhaps the most famous SCP of all time and the first one ever written and caught. It is als
SCP-630-J - A Song In Their Heart SCP-661-J - Crippling Indecisiveness SCP-666-J - Dr. Gerald's Driving Skills SCP-666½-J - The Roaring Flames of Hell SCP-682-J - SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER SCP-700-J - Fortune Cookies are Useless SCP-719M4-J - BALLS SCP-721-J - A Stupid...
SCP-3636-1 Event:D-38452 disappears and is shown in an unidentified superstore. D-38452 begins pacing down aisles, lip-syncing to the song, consistent to the original music video, while multiple customers and staff of Hispanic and Arabic descent are shown assuming a prayer position respective ...
[SCP-5000] Fall of Ganzir (original song haha yes) 820播放 (Fanmade) SCP Secret Lab- Omega Warhead Detonation Sequence 8068播放 【收藏品】欧米茄核弹警报——最后的救赎 5.3万播放 【洛天依原创వ】⁵₅⁵₅⁵【Antimemetics】同人音乐短剧 2953播放 后室战力排行!母亲才排74!wikidotEN剧情表现...
- MiamiSunglasses: Plays the first five seconds of the CSI Miami theme song for on-the-go meme creation (YEAAAAAAAAAAHH) `swift` Added May 13, 2016 License: [`apache-2.0`]() - Radio Paradise: Official app for [` App Store`](https://itunes.appl...
OST是英文Original Sound Track的缩写,它通常指的是在电影、电视剧、动画、游戏等多媒体作品中使用的背景音乐或主题歌曲。这些音乐作品往往由专业的作曲家和音乐家为特定的剧情场景创作,旨在增强情感表达、烘托氛围并提升观众的观影体验。 OST的组成部分 OST可能包括多种类型的音乐作品,如: 主题曲(Theme Song):代表整...
片头曲(Opening Song/Theme):在动漫、电视剧或电影中,“OP”通常指的是片头曲。这是观众在开始观看节目时首先听到的歌曲或音乐,往往用于设定作品的基调、氛围或介绍主要角色。例如,当人们讨论某部动漫的“OP”时,他们可能是在谈论该动漫的片头曲。 原创人物(Original Persona/Personage):在一些同人文化或角色扮演游...