warhead_tminus_start_duration: 启动倒计时前的时间(以秒为单位)lock_gates_on_countdown: 在倒计时时锁定门isolate_zones_on_countdown: 在倒计时时隔离区域open_doors_on_countdown: 在倒计时时打开门keep_items_after_escaping: 逃生后是否保留物品allow_playing_as_tutorial: 是否允许以教程角色进行游戏disable...
【中英】对SCP-S..尊敬的开发者们,你们好。我是一个来自中国的玩家。我非常喜欢SCP SL这款游戏,它很优秀。为了让游戏变得更好,这里有些建议,希望你们可以考虑在MP3中加入。这些建议主要是关于游戏的可玩性的。1.在设施
scputils.roundinfo.respawncount Show how many times MTF/Chaos respawned scputils.roundinfo.lastrespawn Show when MTF/Chaos respawned Online List This command show online player list, it's also usable by users on normal console, it uses advanced permissions like past command. PermisssionDescriptio...
et.roundlockinfo - allows the player to see the broadcast sent whenever RL is toggled or left enabled for 5 minutes. et.dm - grants access to the Deathmatch command et.elock - grants access to the ElevatorLock command et.ecount - grant access to the EventCountdown command ...
SCP CB SL V1.2.1 Apr 30 2021 Download Anything I think of to do with this mod I will do eventually.Why is the mod so boring? Mar 13 2021 News Today Keter-Class answers why the mod is so boring in case those who wonder why.SCP: Futuristic Anomalies: PUBLIC ALPHA Mar 13 2021 ...
"SCP SL Gameplay Settings", "Description":"If enabled, the entrance gates will be forced open when the warhead is counting down", "Keywords":"warhead,countdown,lock,gates,open,lock_gates_on_countdown", "FieldName":"lock_gates_on_countdown", "InputType":"checkbox", "Pa...
int Count() { return this->GetValue<int>("count"); } ARRAY<OBJECT*>* Entries() { return this->GetValue<ARRAY<OBJECT*>*>("entries"); ARRAY<Entry<TKey, TValue>>* GetEntries() { return this->GetValue<ARRAY<Entry<TKey, TValue>>*>("entries"); } }; 9...
auto renderer_count = renderer_array->GetMaxLength(); @@ -45,13 +44,11 @@ namespace Chams { if (Config::chams) { if (Config::chams_local || !hub->IsLocalPlayer()) { if (Aimbot::target.hub != hub) { if (Config::chams_rgb) { color = rainbow_color; } else { color = hu...
poslib prng procbench procinfo-ng protobuf-c psftools pslib ptex pugixml python-gyp qd qn24b qnfcd qodem quazip quesa quesoglc quicklz quitcount radius-engine radiusclient-ng ranpwd rarcrack ratproxy rcsslogplayer rcssmonitor rcssserver re2 readosm recoverjpeg recutils redis resid...
是否允许与解除武装的角色互动914_mode: 914的模式设置sinkhole_slow_amount: 轻收容老头渗穴减速百分比sinkhole_spawn_chance: 渗穴生成几率disconnect_drop: 玩家掉线后是否掉落物品end_round_on_one_player: 当只剩下一个玩家时结束回合cuffed_escapee_change_team: 捕获的dd/博士是否改变阵营pd_exit_count: 口袋空...