大门 Gate-A Gate-B 需要大门权限 SCP-079 打开此门需要消耗:80 电量 此门不能被摧毁! 入口区包含通往地表区的两个门:A门和B门。 A门靠近混沌分裂者生成区,常被混沌使用进入Site-02 B门靠近机动特遣队生成区,常被MTF使用进入Site-02 它也更接近地表区的逃离区域,使得B门经常被D级人员和科学家在试图逃脱...
You pretty much need a separate monitor for this to work, or a transparent terminal that you can overlay the game. Currently only supported on Windows, but I think Linux should work out-of-the-box. Anyways, if you got SCP:SL running on Linux, I'm sure you can figure this out. ...
Start locking doors to lead humans to rooms containing a Tesla Gate. When they try to walk through the Tesla Gate, activate it to kill them. If you can't lead humans into Tesla Gates, then you can try leading them into SCPs or humans on a different team. Leading a D Class to a g...
They will be teleported to a random tesla. Their inventory will be swapped with another player's inventory. They will be teleported to a random room. They will be handcuffed and lose their items. The plugin will prevent the spawns of a specified amount of coins around the map. ...
https://www.moddb.com/games/scp-confidental-event 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了...
If you drop a couple nades in a small space, like 914, gate a or b, or an elevator, you can arm a grenade and drop it by them, when it explodes the others become armed, so you can have a cluster bomb. it can work really well agaisnt a trapped scp or an unexpecting spawnwave...
分享1814 scp收容失效吧 06级go 收容失效问答贴可以随便问,我能答上来的尽量回答 分享29262 scp收容失效吧 贴吧用户_a62AySP SCP收容失效作弊码指令大全来了,notarget(所有东西无视你)godmode(无敌)noclip(穿墙)spawnitem key6(生成万能卡)spawnitem scp1499(生成1499)spawnitem scp500(生成万能药)spawnitem radio...
typedef bool(*TeslaGate_PlayerInHurtRange_t)(OBJECT* this_, OBJECT* ply); bool TeslaGate_PlayerInHurtRange_hk(OBJECT* this_, OBJECT* ply) { return false; } void Initialize() { player_in_range = Method("Assembly-CSharp", "", "TeslaGate", "PlayerInHurtRange", 1)->Hook<TeslaGate_...
gateb.sc、office.sc、chatscreen.jpg、MonitorTexture2.jpg) -汉化了全部物品名称 -Main.bb完全重写 -暂时放弃字幕系统,原先字幕会有显示问题 -修复了372文档中不显示维修通道 分享回复2 scp收容失效吧 随便起个名字🎏 在重收容区乱逛,突然碰到了1048,给我看了这幅画后就消失了,虽然档案里说过画画是1048表示...