scputils.helpShow also admin command list in scputils_help command, without this permission only user commands are shown scputils.bypasscooldownBypass command cooldown Pro tip: use scputils_speak.* to allow someone to speak with all the SCPs, set permission to default role to allow everyone ...
Replaced DirectMovie commands with another library (BlitzMovie). 8年前 Autoupdater 8年前 Autoupdater 8年前 Disabled PlayStartupVideos for now (because of juanjpro's upcoming bui… ...
To list all the commands you can use, open the console in-game and type in help..., SCP: Secret Laboratory for the PC
ERROR_LIST_NUMBER="Fejl %d af %d:\n%s" NO_NEW_VERSION="Du har den seneste version." NEW_VERSION4="Ny version %s blev frigivet." CUSTOM_COMMANDS_PARAMS_TITLE="'%s' kommandoparameter" CUSTOM_COMMANDS_PARAM_PROMPT2="&Parameterværdi:" PROTOCOL_URL_DESC="URL: %s protokol" QUEUE_CONNEC...
To list all the commands you can use, open the console in-game and type in help. Effect: Code: Allows you to fly through the walls. NOCLIP Bans a player for the period specified. BAN [PLAYER|IP], [MINUTES] Changes the console refresh mode. REFRESHFIX Clears the console output. CLS|...