For the 2019 April Fools Update, SCP-939's model was changed to SCP-999, along with his name being changed to Evil SCP-999. It made high pitch growls when attacking and the vision was white and orange.
“The 3-X was the first one I had implemented this on and was how I originally had the idea. The 3-X's animations have a lot of parts that are controlled by other parts on the model. The front bit with the charging handle and the cooling joints come to mind first. ...
EventManager::Add("Update", Chams::Update); // refresh_ply_model = Method("Assembly-CSharp", "", "CharacterClassManager", "RefreshPlyModel", 1)->Hook<CharacterClassManager_RefreshPlyModel_t>(CharacterClassManager_RefreshPlyModel_hk, &CharacterClassManager_RefreshPlyModel); }135...
typedef void(*set_RealModelPosition_t)(OBJECT* this_, Vector3 pos); typedef Vector3(*get_RealModelPosition_t)(OBJECT* this_); typedef void(*SendPosition_t)(OBJECT* this_, bool idk, bool idk2); SendPosition_t SendPosition; bool lol = false; void SendPosition_hk(OBJECT* this_, bool...
SCP-939 By: Adam Smascher SCP-966 By: Enma Ai SCP-1025 By: Lasergoose SCP-1074 By: Smapti SCP-1499 By: Trasknari SCP-1507 By: Roget SCP-2950 By: weizhong SCP-3000 By: djkaktus SCP-3057 By: The Great Hippo SCP-4335 By: Westrin ...
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