Location: Minecraft, multiple servers. Site-418, the Foundation's first (and currently only) virtual containment facility, is built within the popular video game Minecraft. It is responsible for containing anomalies that are difficult to contain in the real world, such as informational para-organism...
Subject: "2b2t's30 History of Incursions", a Minecraft video by YouTube user FitMC Interference Point: 20 minutes, 45 seconds into the video. Result: The narrator begins discussing an event known as the "Eighth Incursion", wherein hundreds of players resembling pixelated versions of SCP-3922...
It's roleplay map based on scp unity with a lot of scp's to explore. With three sublevels from 1 to 3 sublevel 1 is the exit zone it has a lot of offices sublevel 2 is light containment with all not so dangerous scp's and at last sublevel 3 with all the dangerous scp's with...
scp obsecure this map is for multiple people to play on so you can play with your friends. If you want to how I build this map then my youtube channel is Unity Maker enjoy.
SCP SITE-19 JAVA54.36.26.243 OFFLINE SCP:█ is an SCP community closely related to Minecraft. We have a custom made Minecraft map and server that you can roleplay in. As well as rank up and such. We need members like you, so come join us!... View #8 scp_1192_ JAVA31.214.166.12 ...
of an abnormal nature. Content on the website is contributed by its users, SCP Foundation is responsible only for storing information about entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law. Based on the information about the creatures many of them have been transferred into Minecraft PE....
还在施工阶段的scp基金会地图镇楼 分享31赞 minecraft吧 嗨你的益达e 我的世界恐怖冒险地图 SCP-087 S 发布本人原创,为SCP087楼梯改编的迷宫版本,材质包使用三种材质包混合着的,二楼发地址QQ1160245573视频地址:http://www.aipai.com/c23/PDwhJiMqLS1qJWQtKQ.html 分享201 minecraftpe吧 wangmingyu2003 关于mc的...
https://www.moddb.com/games/scp-confidental-event 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了...
Date of Containment:19██-01-08 Location:Uninhabited land in south-western Libya, near the Algerian border. Security Protocol:Area cordoned off. Branded as toxic chemical waste site. Unexplained Location UE-521392 Description:An abandoned building where every five years, approximately 1,000 non-ano...
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