The game takes place today, in the multifaceted universe of SCP. The main character is Galen, a simple scientist in Site 13. Recently, Galen graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and was recruited to work with SCP objects. But is everything so simple
所以经过一番审议,Site-19计划被废止了,取而代之的是建立在阿拉斯加州附近的另一个设施,也就是Site-13。从一开始它就比基金会辖内任何站点都要庞大,很快成为我们的首要收容站点。它遥远而强大,最重要的是隐藏在冰雪之中,1985年苏联解体后,我们了解到,他们甚至不知道Site-13的存在,更别提知道它在哪儿了。 维森特...
This month's site news announces the spring cleaning event, and that there's an international contest coming up! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP SCP-8598: The Sharpshooter byPlaguePJP|Selected by PlaguePJP SCP-8598 is professional wrestler and reality bender Gary Moreno. ... 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了...
《挣脱:十三号站点》主要以回顾“悬棺”行动的视角,也便是以一种最新的场景重现技术进入主角刘志明的视角回顾他在“Site-13”——十三号站点中经历的故事,在故事中玩家需要找到解决“悬棺”行动的后续影响的内容。 视听体验 《挣脱:十三号站点》的视觉体验格外值得一提,制作组绝对是巨物喜爱...
SCP-1312 - Site 41 SCP-1313 - Solve for Bear SCP-1314 - Memetic Universe SCP-1315 - The Hardest Game SCP-1316 - Lucy the Kitten Feline Espionage Device SCP-1317 - Factory Makeup SCP-1318 - Consultant Rats SCP-1319 - The Split-Up SCP-1320 - Refractive Explorers SCP-1321 - Cathar Jou...
SCP-1312 - Site 41 SCP-1313 - Solve for Bear SCP-1314 - Memetic Universe SCP-1315 - The Hardest Game SCP-1316 - Lucy the Kitten Feline Espionage Device SCP-1317 - Factory Makeup SCP-1318 - Consultant Rats SCP-1319 - The Split-Up SCP-1320 - Refractive Explorers SCP-1321 - Cathar Jou...
SCP-286 - The Brothers' Game SCP-287 - Clark's Third Favorite Sword SCP-288 - The "Stepford Marriage" Rings SCP-289 - Inertial Amplifier SCP-290 - The Picasso Machine SCP-291 - Disassembler/Reassembler SCP-292 - Egg Timer of Déjà Vu SCP-293 - Obsession SCP-294 - The Coffee Machine...
To find this "server address" box first click “Multiplayer” in the Minecraft game menu and click "Add server". Now you can type the server IP address in the "server address" box. Click “Done” and then click “Join Server”. If you did everything correctly, you should be connected...