项目编号:SCP-113 项目等级:Safe 特殊收容措施:SCP-113不需要特别的保管程序, 并且储存在23区(Site)的标准储物柜里. SCP-113对人员有伤害性, 为了避免意外触碰, 把持时应只使用橡胶实验用手套. 意外触碰到SCP-113的人员应要接受24小时的医疗观察. 描述:SCP-113的样貌像一小块红碧玉, 但在EDX(能量分散型X光...
Site -113 is teeming with many dangerous and powerful creatures, known as "SCPs", that were deemed too dangerous to be kept on Earth. You will encounter a wide variety of SCPs that will test your ability to survive, each with its unique abilities and weaknesses that will force you to ...
特殊收容措施:SCP-113需储存在Site-23区的标准储物柜里。把持SCP-113时应使用实验用手套。没有预先许可下,生物不可接触SCP-113。触碰到SCP-113的人员应要接受7天的医疗观察。 描述:SCP-113的样貌像一小块红碧玉。分析显示SCP-113跟普通的碧玉的特性完全不符合。相反,SCP-113的组织较接近于[已编辑]。 当SCP-...
SCP-113 - ..SCP-113项目编号: SCP-113项目等级: safe特殊收容措施: SCP-113不需要特别的保管程序, 并且储存在23区(Site)的标准储物柜里. SCP-113对人员有伤害性, 为了避免
Mars Site-113. The SCP Foundation’s most secure facility, until the NEE. Now it’s something else. Experience survival horror set in the iconic SCP universe: Explore the Site, face the SCPs, meet the survivors, then decide the future. Before you can sec
SCP-113 Item #: SCP-113 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-113 is to be kept in standard storage in Site-23. SCP-113 may be handled with laboratory gloves. No organism may be exposed to SCP-113 without prior approval. Personnel exposed to SCP-113 are to be kept ...
在一个摇摇欲坠的建筑群中杀出一条血路,横跨不同的区域,每个区域都有不同程度的危险、██████、潜在资源,甚至███████ 使用你自己的潜行和战斗组合,在 Site-113 越来越难以预测的 SCP 居民中穿行。使用武器甚至 SCP 本身调整您的策略和战术,以夺回上风。 做出选择,了解后果,并使用您的工具访问...
SCP-392 - A Plant Now Found in Site-103, and Formerly Found in the Households of Nobility SCP-393 - The Memory Planner SCP-394 - Ear Candles SCP-395 - The Bottle Baby SCP-396 - And Suddenly, Chair SCP-397 - A Hominidae SCP-398 - The Greeting Hall SCP-399 - Atomic Manipulation ...
Get ready to dive into the chilling world of SCP: Fragmented Minds, now live in Early Access on Steam. This atmospheric horror game, developed by HST Game Studios and published by indie.io, throws players into the heart of Site-113, where containment protocols have spectacularly failed. The ...