办公区域 Site-02的01分区,也被称为入口区,是SCP:秘密实验室中的四个区域之一。它包含了唯一通往设施外部的出口 操作指南概述 描述 入口区(EZ)是Site-02中的四个区域之一。 它是设施警卫的生成位置,并且包含了通往地表区域的A门和B门。 入口区包含几个独特的房间。虽然其中一些房间可能包含物品,但大多数房间在...
Site-02的01分区,也被称为入口区,是SCP:秘密实验室中的四个区域之一。它包含了唯一通往设施外部的出口 操作指南概述 Site-02的01子区是主要的文职人员工作区。这里有各种各样的私人(和公开的)办公空间、员工储物柜,以及供站点工作人员放松和恢复体力的大型开放空间 所谓的“入口区”,由工作人员称之,直接将设施...
Locations shown on the map are approximate, and do not accurately represent their extradimensional nature.Chugwater Little Havana Undervegas 17 36 94 32 25 04 18 59 51 52 78 5525 01 01 02 04 84 150 Baltic Trench Outer Lichtenberg Samothrace UnLondon 07 02 03 56 33 43 12 79 01 07 08...
Changed name to SCP Site - 42 - C, due to me uploading SCP Site - 42 - D which is my newer map. Removed Adfly links and used Linkvertise instead Downloads SCP Site-42-C Download.mcworld SCP Site-42-C Download.mcpack My Discord Server Supported Minecraft versions 1.16.100 1.16.201 ...
Stop using this stupid website to make money. Adfly is a virus website. Although this map have good effort put into it. Good map anyways. I give you 4 star because of adfly. 🧡 1 SCP-178-1 April 07, 2021 at 12:02 am Bruh why did I post this in the first place it is ...
SCP Secret Laboratory How to Navigate the Map SCP: Secret Laboratory’s map—consisting of multiple floors and rooms—is randomly generated for each game. The same collider may lead you to different rooms in the next match. So here are all the key points on the map to remember: ...
是哪个研究员把site-■■的位置上传到了这个地图上?我要把他降成D级人员。——■■博士 来自百度地图· 843浏览 marygong83 2020-07-31 只是个买衣服的scp而已。真正的scp基金会这样子的吗? 来自百度地图· 838浏览 查看全部评论 周边推荐 丽人 美食 休闲玩乐 酒店 景点 购物/逛街 附近上榜 姿丽堂美容SPA...
SCP: Site-19 is a mobile multiplayer SCP Foundation based game. Every round map is randomly generated & roles are random. So you never expect who you play as or who you gonna bump into. There are 6 classes in SCP: Site-19: - Class-D - Scientists - Guards - MTF - CI - SCPs As...