Due to tensions with the Cuban government, the Foundation has been unable to get the inhabitants of the Nexus to sign the Treaty on Free Anomalous Communities. Associated Articles: Facility-57 Hub UIU Location Dossier -- "Little Havana" Carroll 305: Little Havana...
Location of Recovery:N/A. Discovered following a Reddit post on the "todayilearned" sub-forum. Current Status:Domain blocked from all major internet service providers. Item Description:A rubber ball, five centimeters in diameter, that slowly rolls toward the closest living human. Running it through...
SCP-5702 was discovered after a thread on Reddit was created about a “website that creates realistic porn of anyone.” Fearing a containment breach ofSCP-1004, the thread was investigated, taken down, and SCP-5702 was contained. Addendum: Log of films generated during Testing Phase 2: 14 ...