SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy" SCP-097 - Old Fairgrounds SCP-098 - Surgeon Crabs SCP-099 - The Portrait 100 to 199 SCP-100 - "Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee" SCP-101 - Hungry Bag SCP-102 - Property of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. SCP-103 - Rhys' Head/Mara's Heart SCP-104 - ...
SCP-6773 - Shadow the Shy Bird SCP-6774 - paperclip. SCP-6775 - E SCP-6776 - Reclamation SCP-6777 - Ichifuji Bakuu the Virtual Streamer SCP-6778 - When the Sleeper Wakes SCP-6779 - Look at this Scoundrel SCP-6780 - 'helth by dado' Brought to You by Vikander-Kneed SCP-6781 - ...
SCP-096 — The "Shy Guy": A tall, pale, humanoid that will kill anyone or anything that sees its face. It is indestructible and unstoppable when enraged. SCP-173 — The Sculpture - The Original: One of the first SCPs, SCP-173 is a statue-like creature that cannot move when in dire...
SCP-600 - "That Guy" Faceless SCP-603 - Self-Replicating Computer Program I Wrote a Tale SCP-604 - The Cannibal's Banquet; A Corrupted Ritual We Got A Good Thing Here SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates The Flesh That Mates (Adult) Empire of Dirt (Part 1) Empire of Dirt (...
SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid class anomaly contained by the Foundation, who will know if someone looked at its face and relentlessly pursue that individual until violently mur
Zoobeeny The Shores of the CritPond™ Zygard Person of Interest: Zygard Zyn Researcher Zyn's Personnel File Zzuxon Author Page - Zzuxon Footnotes 1. This includes pages on the SCP Wiki written by you, either by yourself or co-authored. Contributions to collaborative pages do not
Welcome to the new and improvedSite Newsfor the English branch of the SCP Foundation Wiki! DISCLAIMER:This is the Site News for the English Branch of the SCP Wiki. The opinions of the individual members of the Site News team that are presented in each edition of the Site News are their ...
SCP-4498-Jones:What the fuck were you doing in the shy guy's cell? Unknown Voice:Science, you dumbfuck, what do you think? SCP-4498-Jones:Hrm. I don't know, this feels like a trap. Is this a trap? Unknown Voice:What- why would this be a trap?I'mthe one who's trapped, idi...
The natural human response was to shy away from obvious danger, but he'd long since suppressed his natural human responses until they were little more than vague suggestions. Anyone who could have gotten into his most private of spaces was more than capable of stopping his retreat. So he ...
Special Containment Procedures: An investigation is underway, to locate the “live studio audience”, SCP-012-J is supposedly recorded in front of. Until it is located, all Foundation staff are advised to be wary of exaggerated speech and body language, and implausible social faux pas. If an...