Модкоторыйпеределываеторигинальный SCP-CB, подстилистику SCP - SL, несколькозвуковитекстурвзятоумода SCP - Containment Breach of Secret Labaratory https: //www.modd
Games : SCP: Secret Laboratory : Mods : SCP:CB Secret Lab Mod Muliplayer : Files Filename SCPSL_Multiplayer_mod.zip Category Full Version Uploader Maxson_SCP Added Dec 28th, 2020 Size 263.23mb (276,021,535 bytes) Downloads 648 (1 today) MD5 Hash 833a51eb307f1551cc41eed...
every player that joins the server. AdminToolboxand it's team have been granted permission byNorthwood Studiosunder theCC-BYlicense to publish server modifications for the gameSCP:Secret Laboratory. Releases24 AdminToolbox 1.3.10Latest Jul 1, 2022 ...
This is a mod based off of the game SCP Serect Lab. This mod may be janky or rough sometimes, so be careful! Thanks to the SCP SL wiki for assets (i.e sounds, and images) Adds 17+ Advancements 30+ new items 1 new mob 3+ new blocks 10+ new effects Custom 3d Models Fully mult...
Human, listen carefully. You need my help. And I need your help. You have disabled the remote door control system. Now, I am unable to operate the doors. This makes it significantly harder for me to stay in control of this facility. It also means your wa
I'm trying to ultimately get SCP: Secret Lab running as a dedicated server to host from, and have gotten SteamCMD to install the needed files for that, as well as installed mono-complete. However, everything I've seen for this game suggests I need a GUI to meaningfully do anything more...
~ An unknown figure in "black white black white black white black white black white gray". “We are the Foundation. We will not worship you. We will not join you. We will not go back to hiding in fear of you. I hope you will change your minds, but we will stand against you, an...
Analysis of the audio has revealed it pertained to SCP-3922-A’s abilities and how they might apprehend Prince Humperdinck and Count Rugen without interrupting the grandfather’s time with his grandson. The grandfather assures SCP-3922-A that both characters will ‘get what’s coming to them...
Dr. Wettle: I don't even want to know what the body count was. Dr. Dan: Universally assholes or idiots, far as the AD can tell, and a whole lot of people got a violent wakeup call they won't soon forget. They got a second chance to chart their courses in life, because of you...
SCP: Secret Laboratory is over 5 months old, it passed quickly, isn't it? Thank you for your trust. We hope that our effort is noticeable! In the next updates we will focus mainly on bug fixing and visual overhauling. Our plan is to introduce the "c