我们今天为SCP:秘密实验室的万圣节活动发布了一个小小的平衡性更新,主要是针对SCP-330(“只能带走两颗”的糖果碗)的一些微调,以及其他一些小调整。 粉色糖果 早在万圣节活动开始的第一天,这种爆炸糖果显得非常有趣,但它对SCP们的破坏力很快就被发现了。今天的更新限制了
While intended to operate in tandem with Site-15 and other similar facilities for cyberanomalous containment and IT-related management, Site-119 has been uniquely equipped with significantly more advanced computational capabilities due to its importance in top secret projects and the Foundation's ...
SCP: Secret Laboratory is over 5 months old, it passed quickly, isn't it? Thank you for your trust. We hope that our effort is noticeable! In the next updates we will focus mainly on bug fixing and visual overhauling. Our plan is to introduce the "classic" atmosphere of the rooms -...
RAISA controls access to classified information, deciding what to redact and what to reveal. RAISA also maintains backups of the SCP database, protects documents against intrusion and infiltration, and monitors inconsistencies in Foundation files to discern whether the cause is mundane or anomalous. ...
Модкоторыйпеределываеторигинальный SCP-CB, подстилистику SCP - SL, несколькозвуковитекстурвзятоумода SCP - Containment Breach of Secret Labaratory https: //www.modd
A mod adding content from SCP Secret Lab into minecraft. Thanks a lot to the SCP SL wiki for supplying images/sounds
A mod adding content from SCP Secret Lab into minecraft. Thanks a lot to the SCP SL wiki for supplying images/sounds
Admin Toolbox ASModserver plugin forSCP:Secret Laboratory. Features Break, lock and unlock doors upon interaction Teleporting Players Server Statistics Endless Rounds Jailing Players ...
Add file SCP:CB (Secret Lab) Mod Location Games : SCP: Secret Laboratory : Files Filename SCPSL_Mod.zip Category Full Version Uploader Maxson_SCP Added Dec 29th, 2020 Size 237.68mb (249,225,512 bytes) Downloads 204 (1 today) MD5 Hash a4139cc5d85ea48dca4fd168597c4363 ...
After a sudden RAGE-STATE being unleashed that was caused by an "epiphany" from SCP-6820-A, the site it was in was forcibly shut down and the underground section that SCP-6820 was in quickly sealed. As SCP-6820-A controls and warps various technicians sent to destroy it and parts ofSCP...