C-STORE 服务用于将DICOM图像或其他数据对象从SCU传输到SCP进行存储。SCU:发送C-STORE请求以存储图像。SCP:接收图像并存储,然后返回C-STORE响应。示例场景:SCU:从扫描仪获取图像,并发送C-STORE请求到PACS系统。SCP:接收图像并存储到数据库,返回存储成功或失败的响应。SCU -- C-STORE-RQ --> SCPSCU <-- ...
Association 是DICOM中定义的通信管道。在DICOM定义的通信协议中,提供服务的被称为 Service Class Provider (SCP), 消费服务的被称为 Service Class User (SCU)。这和我们HTTP中的server和client异曲同工。两个Application Entity如果想要通信,必须由一方发起一个Association,这个就是SCU,并且询问另一方(SCP)是否支持具...
解析 SCP 是指工作列表发送SCU 是指工作列表接收 结果一 题目 worklist 扫盲,SCP是什么worklist 扩展开应该是什么英文词组,还有SCU,作用是什么 答案 SCP 是指工作列表发送SCU 是指工作列表接收相关推荐 1worklist 扫盲,SCP是什么worklist 扩展开应该是什么英文词组,还有SCU,作用是什么 ...
SCP 是指工作列表发送 SCU 是指工作列表接收
dicom通信的scu,scp的c-echo、c-store、c-find、c-move的使用。 开发语言:vc++,c#.net 涉及到AE Title的管理,scu端实现,scp端的实现;worklist的查询服务实现;dicom文件的解析;dicom文件传输交互等等 (1)c-echo (2)c-store (3)c-find (4)c-move ...
Service Class User (SCU) and Service Class Provider (SCP) Creating an SCU Creating an SCP Sending Messages Receiving Messages Moving Composite Data Diagram of an SCU-SCP Set-up Security Profiles DICOM Annotations Redistributables/Files To Be Included With Y...
In DICOM these roles are called Service Class User (SCU) and Service Class Provider (SCP). Matching roles, therefore, match SCUs with SCPs. A DICOM device can have the role of a SCU or SCP, much like any two people engaged in conversation; both can be speakers and listeners. A ...
LEADTOOLS DICOM Features > DICOM Communication > Service Class User (SCU) and Service Class Provider (SCP) > Creating an SCU Is this page helpful? Creating an SCU The following steps provide the basic information required to create an SCU: Initialize the DICOM DLL by calling LDicomNet::Start...
然后,Scp代码通过本地的一些配置,判断当前服务是否支持SCU提交的PC,是否是合法的AE,如果所有的验证都通过后,将发送A-ASSOCIATE-AC信息,通过事件A_ASSOCIATE_RESPONSE_ACCEPT=6 将本地状态从 current state = 3 ( Awaiting local A-ASSOCIATE response primitive)转化为next state = 6(Association established and ...