He has been joined by another Facility-57 scientist, a Dr. Von Braun. The Everwoods are engaged in hushed conversation with each other.] Everwood: <Not gonna lie, I kinda hoped that if I ever met a version of me from another universe, they'd still have both arms.> Everwood: <Yes,...
Talloran:Finally, This is how it should be. The scientist interviewing the anomaly. I am the one in charge now. I have brought order. SCP-3999:[SYSTEM ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED. PLEASE SEE A NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR FOR MORE DETAILS] Talloran:It's staying this way. SCP-3999:[SYSTEM ERROR: DA...
钥匙卡是新怪谈秘密实验室中的一种物品。它们可用于进入 Site-02 中用NFC读卡器锁定的不同房间。 目录 1在游戏中 1.1访问等级(钥匙卡) 1.2访问等级(门) 1.3生成 1.3.1角色 1.3.2地点 2相关成就 3艺术作品 4冷知识 在游戏中 如果玩家想要进入设施的某些部分,如军械库、收容室、大门、新怪谈储物柜以及其它需...
科学家 MTF Scientist 警卫MTF Guard 玩家会随着直升机降落在设施外出生。整场游戏中,会有多支九尾狐部队被部署。你可以在屏幕右上角看到你属于哪一支部队。无论你是哪支部队的,你们的目标都是营救科学家,消灭除此以外的所有人,并且收容或消灭所有SCP。MTF指挥官拥有指挥官钥匙卡,一把Epsilon-11步枪,脉冲手雷,和...
SCP-3394 - Brain Scientist SCP-3395 - The Servants of Fire SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite SCP-3397 - Fortes Fortuna Iuvat! SCP-3398 - Hilbert's Grand Elevator SCP-3399 - Family Tree 3400 to 3499 SCP-3400 - Rorqual Infection SCP-3401 - Anyone Fancy A Cup Of Jade? Or maybe some Ea...
1 (Scientist) 2 (Research Supervisor) 3 (Zone Manager) 4 (Guard) 5 (Private) 6 (Containment Engineer) 7 (Operative) 8 (Captain) 9 (Facility Manager) 10 (C.I. Access Device) 11 (O5 Keycard) Keycards are a type of Item found in SCP: Secret Laboratory. They are ...
SCP Scientist: Allen Squid LEGO SCP Foundation: Containment Lockdown(2020) Onecast Site-Command LEGO SCP Foundation: Containment Lockdown(2020) Connor Piper O-5 Council Member (as Scp Illustrated) SCP: Overlord(2020) Titan Prictures MTF Operative: Wagner ...
Description:SCP-934 is the lighthouse near [DATA EXPUNGED] on the valley property and estate of the late Dr. █████. Dr. █████, a renowned scientist, had the functioning lighthouse built on his property at great expense despite the inland location nearly 65 km from any body of...
(The United Church of Satan, Scientist)LaVeyan Satanism(勒维撒旦教)的一个分支,恶魔科学家们认为人类自身的霸权凌驾于所有“伪神”之上,并对任何神明抱有敌意:若一个神明存在,那么人类的职责就是杀掉它。世界超医学组织 (The World Parahealth Organization)世界超医学组织部门负责处理超自然疾病,诸如...