Sta7 - Awaiting A-RELEASE-RP PDU Sta8 - Awaiting local A-RELEASE response primitive Sta9 - Release collision requestor side; awaiting A-RELEASE response Sta10 - Release collision acceptor side; awaiting A-RELEASE-RP PDU Sta11 - Release collision requestor side; awaiting A-RELEASE-RP PDU Sta1...
By tailoring these commands to your specific needs, you can adapt Rsync and SCP to various scenarios, whether it is migrating data between servers, collaborating on projects, or maintaining synchronized backups. As you venture into applying Rsync and SCP in your VPS environment, remember to contin...
What could be the reason for the inability of\ \ \ \ \ scp\ \ \ \to transfer links from the local machine to another? scp -rp dir linux:/dir_target What's the method for copying links in a source directory that contains both files and links? Solution 1: If my understanding is co...
mysql history inside (or nothing inside if you didn't type any mysql commands except "quit"), *after* you left the mysql shell with "quit". So the solution is: Don't start mysql on the command line as system user "root" or let mysql keep it's history whereever it wants (no "MY...
9000/800/rp8420The default path /opt/ssh/PA-RISC2.0/bin does not work. It works only for sftp.The other path /opt/ssh/PA-RISC1.1/bin works only for ssh, but it does not work for sftp, scp.===path which does not work===#/opt/ssh/PA-RISC2.0/bin/ssh -VUsage: rlog...
HPUX is my node1 called hprp5430.Linux is my node2 called denverI am playing with this to node before going to do the real test in the two linux nodes.Thank you again .W.S rperez 0 Kudos Reply paolo barila Valued Contributor 02-17-2006 03:44 AM ...