Since the rage is powerful, your strategy is to be in a position where people look directly at you. A playstyle with 096 cannot be aggressive because they’re slow and only great when looked at. Best bet as 096 is to be defensive and work in unison with your other alien buddies. Look...
All personal electronic devices must be searched extensively for SCP-7528 contamination when personnel exit or re-enter the facility, regardless of status, role, rank, or security clearance level. Crius.aic, conscripted artificial Warden of Area-12's ORGANIC DEEPWELL, is engaged in quantum ...
Kruaçent-Exiled is a plugin using the Exiled Framework for SCP: Secret Laboratory servers. The plugin was initially created for our small (6-player) private SCP:SL servers pluginframeworkscpexiledscp-slscp-secret-laboratoryexiled-pluginscpsl-pluginexiled-frameworkexiled-scpsl ...
resulting in an agonizing forty-day journey of nearly one thousand miles. The Bower of Mount August was both a play on Mount Ararat, to extend the Noah metaphor, and a reference to where they were now: Bowers Basin, four kilometres beneath the surface of the Bering Sea. The reference to...
This contrasts with traditional crimes, such as burglaries or stalking, where government regulations and law enforcement agencies play a greater policing role than private organizations. As such, we argue that there is an imperative to explore the extent of how SCP and the concomitant 25 techniques...