EventManager::Add("Update", Chams::Update); // refresh_ply_model = Method("Assembly-CSharp", "", "CharacterClassManager", "RefreshPlyModel", 1)->Hook<CharacterClassManager_RefreshPlyModel_t>(CharacterClassManager_RefreshPlyModel_hk, &CharacterClassManager_RefreshPlyModel); }135...
return Function<ClassManager_get_CurRole_t>("Assembly-CSharp", "", "CharacterClassManager", "get_CurRole", 0)(this); } bool SetNoclip(bool status) { typedef bool (*ClassManager_SetNoclip_t)(ClassManager* this_, bool status); return Function<ClassManager_SetNoclip_t>("Assembly-CSharp", ...
Shanghai, as one of China's most representative global cities, features an architectural vocabulary that seamlessly blends its distinctive "Haipai" (Shanghai style) urban character with an international perspective. The city boasts a rich spatial hierarchy, ranging from the micro-level of alleyways ...
The game is an exploration in literative relationship building and character development through little snippets of dialogue/action options that you pick as the player. You can choose to be serious, honest, deceptive, offensive, etc. I don't know what the actual colorful stamps mean, but you ...
Amid forested landscapes, jungles, or coastal settings, many architects choose to design cabins immersed in natural surroundings, seeking to foster a deeper connection with nature by distancing themselves from the city. While experimenting with different materials and local techniques enhances a stronger ...
+ You can customize your character (unlike in Kingdom where the ruler is randomized)+ Has 3 difficulty levels. Easy mode is really relaxing to play. Normal, on the other hand, will give you quite a bit of challenge - it's a rather large step-up from Easy.+ Has a campaign with ...