随后项目将武器库中的所有武器拿走 注:该卡片随即在事故Site17-hape classD中被特工瞬子发现,上面以未知技术印制着“O5 Keycard”,授权等级为五(5)级,但基金会并未印制此卡片。另外,值得注意的是,卡片其中包含着清洁工J■■■的个人信息。 注:J■■■在事件结束后反应,在收容失效发生,警报响起时时,他正恰...
(2)加工放卡【左面】后一定要迅速开,否则卡可能刷没 工具:(1)身份:博士,保安,九尾最佳,D级和混沌也行,不过914门前就是一个保安出生点不免有些顾虑 (2)这个要求你有2级及以上卡或914已大门敞开,如需制备O5卡O5KEYCARD,则需另备1张1级卡 (3)选备:1499白面具一只,可以有敌人或有不明枪声逼近时躲避,亦...
SCP-005 - Skeleton Key SCP-006 - Fountain of Youth SCP-007 - Abdominal Planet SCP-008 - Zombie Plague SCP-009 - Red Ice SCP-010 - Collars of Control SCP-011 - Sentient Civil War Memorial Statue SCP-012 - A Bad Composition SCP-013 - Blue Lady Cigarettes SCP-014 - The Concrete Man...
NANI?!As Class-D, kill a Scientist holding a keycard. NewbDie inside the pocket dimension. OvercurrentTry to recharge the MicroHID. Overpowered!Pick up an O5-Keycard. Pew Pew!Kill 5 enemies in less than 30 seconds. Property of the Chaos InsurgencyLiberate two or more SCP objects from ...
SCP-1758 - O Mio Babbino Caro SCP-1759 - "Lovely Lucy" SCP-1760 - Casket Garden SCP-1761 - The Republic of Arnold Fitzwilliams SCP-1762 - Where The Dragons Went SCP-1763 - Found Space Theatre SCP-1764 - DARD Information Restrictions Apply SCP-1765 - Sisters SCP-1766 - Radar Signature...
A lobby that had to take up a good fifth of the floor, with keycard-protected doors set in all the interior walls. A modern-looking glass-and-chrome receptionist's desk sat in the middle of the room with an open laptop and phone sitting on it, along with a few loose papers papercli...
Notes:“Requesting an extra level-4 keycard and one (1) liter of SCP-447-2.”—Dr. Sanders “Haha no.”—Dr. Markman Date: ██/██/████ Test Subject: Two (2) Double-A (AA) Batteries. Procedure: Batteries were submerged in SCP-447-2 for thirty (30) minutes, then inserte...
The easiest way, not just restricted for D-Boys use only, with a Janitor card: First,1:1for Zone Manager Second,Finefor Research Supervisor Lastly,Finefor O5. You can always grab some guns along the way and shoot scientists, as they have keycards, first aid, and other valuable resources...
LOGIN_PUBLIC_KEY_TITLE="Vælg nøgle til at installere på serveren" LOGIN_PUBLIC_KEY_FILTER="PuTTY private nøglefiler (*.ppk)|*.ppk|Alle private nøglefiler (*.ppk;*.pem;*.key;id_*)|*.ppk;*.pem;*.key;id_* |Alle filer (*.*)|*.*" SYNCHRONIZE_CHECKLIST_CAPTION="Synkro...
io.github.DotaCardDuel2 io.github.Draughts io.github.Draw-Tool io.github.Drawing-Board-Sigma io.github.DrawingApp io.github.DustRacing2D io.github.Dwarf-Therapist io.github.EasyBench io.github.EasyPaint io.github.ElementaryCellularAutomaton io.github.EliminateGame io.github.EmuDiscer ...