SCP-684 - The Caretaken SCP-685 - Non-Bottomless Pit SCP-686 - Infectious Lactation SCP-687 - NOIR SCP-688 - Hole Dwellers SCP-689 - Haunter in the Dark SCP-690 - Joke Bandages SCP-691 - A Coward's Way Out SCP-692 - Revives the Colours SCP-693 - Knotty Stalker SCP-694 - The...
SCP-684 - The Caretaken SCP-685 - Non-Bottomless Pit SCP-686 - Infectious Lactation SCP-687 - NOIR SCP-688 - Hole Dwellers SCP-689 - Haunter in the Dark SCP-690 - Joke Bandages SCP-691 - A Coward's Way Out SCP-692 - Revives the Colours SCP-693 - Knotty Stalker SCP-694 - The...
Reactive Action: None taken; event fully consistent with long-term probability models. Item: SCP-179 expressing obvious confusion, identifying threats in eight directions corresponding to the cardinal compass points — though the relationship is purely visual, as SCP-179 is located not on Earth but...
The necessary measures for safety data are not taken for this data during data generation. Therefore, do not use this data to configure the Safety Control System. A maximum total of 64 standard nodes and safety nodes can be connected on the same DeviceNet network. 10 System Configuration ...
The infrared picture to the right was taken with our FLIR One Pro heat imager camera (a marvelous little device that snaps on to an iPhone or Android smartphone). The bright yellow small box on the left is the actual power brick which, like all power supplies, gets hot during operation....
The image taken by M-3. M-2:Good. Think it has something to do with the anomaly? M-3:Of course. It looks like Waldo. M-1:Do any of you have an idea on where the object may be? M-3:Er, I think it's in here. M-1:Which room is this?
Since the test was still an hour away and the chamber was not sealed, Dr. Desmet entered to repair the coupling. As the accelerator continued to spool, a power regulator attached to the system's primary generator began to fail6. Under non-test conditions this event could still flood the ...
If 106 hadn’t taken the other two into the pocket dimension, this could have resulted in hundreds of causalities. - O5-6 Item: Reclassification to SCP-048 Tissue Test Record: N/A Termination Log: Denied by O5 Command Note: While it could potentially give us the result we desire, the...
Question:"After this ritual, a random number generator will create 100 numbers between 1 and 1,000,000,000. What are these numbers?" Answer:"683,134,009, 592,351,900, …[EXPUNGED FOR BREVITY]… and 897,329,444." Additional Notes: ...
and in return receive machinery, a generous yearly salary, and the full support of the Martian Research Association. Ever since the Act’s passage in 2215, about a million people have taken the deal, transforming an area the size of Mexico into useful, arable land. That’s enough food to...