NTF-Delta 7 Commanding Officer:"Hostile inbound, launch all support craft. Fire all weapons, and get that primary cannon online! Bring us around to three o'clock of its bearing, and prepare for evasive maneuvers." [SCP-3706 instances begin launching from SCP-4700-1's carrier bays. Weapon ...
An Exiled (SCP:SL) Plugin that execute command after X time exiledscpslexiled-pluginexiled-scpsl UpdatedSep 16, 2024 C# An Exiled (SCP:SL) Plugin exiledscpslexiled-pluginexiled-scpsl UpdatedOct 25, 2024 C# Kruaçent-Exiled is a plugin using the Exiled Framework for SCP: Secret Laboratory...
Foundation listening network PANOPTICON is reminded to alert Foundation executive command of the credible appearance of any and all leviathans, and NTF Sigma-58 “Bottomfeeders” stands ordered to track SCP-4233's trajectory and establish radio contact as often as possible to aid in the discovery ...
("room3ct") * added a battery, a first aid kit and a S-Nav 300 Navigator inside the little storage area next to the elevators - added a command to show all new added commands ("ntf help") - added a new options tab (under options the button called "NTF-Mod Options") * now ...
badge_structure: (LVL %lvl% | %badge%) %oldbadge% # Path files get saved to. Requires change on linux. save_path: (Exiled folder on windows.) Commands XPSystem (or xps) - parent command, always use before others. leaderboards (or lb) <optional, amount of players> - displays top ...
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