Reactive Action: Nexus occlusion measures continue in the expectation SCP-7000 will eventually be neutralized and this effect reversed. Counselling provided by Site-87 staff to affected civilians and myth-figures in the area. Item: Senior associate at Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. killed in a fold...
Due to anomalous influences associated withNexus-36: Atlantic City, the temporal revision initiated by the Insured resulted in several temporal errors, which have been rectified by the Provided. A non-comprehensive list of such adjustments include: ...
Misja Formacji Operacyjnej: Specjalizuje się w analizie i przeciwdziałaniu rytuałom taumaturgicznym; włączając to walkę taumaturgiczną. Z siedzibą w Ośrodku 91. Pomoc w Zabezpieczaniu Obiektów: SCP-3743 SCP-4612 SCP-4712 SCP-5079 SCP-5512 SCP-5626 SCP-5923 SC...
Recent Changes New Forum Posts Stories Tales Hub | Series Groups of Interest GoI Formats Canon Hub Discovery Artwork Hub Curated Lists Curated Tale Series Tag Search Random SCP | Tale | GOI | Art Random Page Ralliston's Proposal SCP-001 » Ralliston's Proposal rating: +193+–x...
Advanced Formatting Manual: A walkthrough introduction to CSS, translated from the French Branch. Anomaly Classification System Guide: Information regarding the use of the ACS header and classification system. Components Hub- A hub for pages meant to be imported onto other pages via the [[include]...
Neo-Esterberg is a simulation that simulates the societal progression of the Polish Nexus Esterberg and the mundane Polish City Częstochowa should the Veil of Normalcy have been removed in the early 21st century. The simulated year in Neo-Esterberg as of this footage is 2060. As a result...
They both laughed, then linking their arms together the twin sisters took a walk through the park they were in. Elewynn was still trying to make sense of all her reclaimed memories, but the park looked familiar to her. The trees had grey bark and silvery green leaves that made a chiming...
UPDATE 2043/09/08: Analysis reveals that the volume of energy released during Nexus-94's Localized Event Rebound, while incredibly immense, did not nearly match the volume expected of such an expulsion. Current data suggests that the most likely vector through which the excess energy may have ...
HOUSE:So congrats, you've bumbled your way into the biggest demonic Nexus. In the western hemisphere, that is. Goddamn Macau. Place is named after a bird, not even a real name. [HOUSE grumbles under his breath.] HOUSE:Anyway, well done! So you emerge from your stupor staring into ...
Location:Arizona, USA through the edge of Utah, USA Security Protocol:All entrances blocked off, signs that state "Dangerous! Mines still active!" Unexplained Location UE-177008 Description:A wooden shed in the middle of a field in ████, Iowa, USA. Anything entering the door of the she...