Dr. Dan and Dr. Sokolsky immediately began preparations for OPERATION: BLACK SWAN as the probability collapse continued. Captain Andrea Adams assembled five of her top-performing agents to fill out the ranks of MTF Theta-7000 ("Fortunate Sons"), and began a rigorous training period. MTF Theta...
After 1991, rapid restructuring, coupled with budget cuts and the decommissioning or sale of significant assets, resulted in numerous defections of their personnel (A significant proportion of both Chaos Insurgency and MC&D operatives in Eastern Europe originated from GRU Division "P" ranks) and the...
After 1991, rapid restructuring, coupled with budget cuts and the decommissioning or sale of significant assets, resulted in numerous defections of their personnel (A significant proportion of both Chaos Insurgency and MC&D operatives in Eastern Europe originated from GRU Division "P" ranks) and the...
As it was making its way through the facility, it encountered on-site security officer, Agent Higgins. He confronted the entity, leading to an altercation where the entity managed to a wound, thus infecting the Agent, and subdue him. It was then seen joining the ranks of the other C.I....
Hundreds of them, lined up in ranks stretching across the Florida coastline. But I can't shake the feeling that maybe this is all part of his plan as well… "Why didn't anyone think of it before!?" they said. "It's the perfect solution!" they exclaimed. "We'll just shoot SCP-...
Photographed Activity: Explaining the military ranks of the Luftwaffe to a 13-year-old subject. Photo Result: The subject is holding a modified rifle, hiding in the trenches during what is presumed to be a military conflict of unclear nature. SCP-958-A sits on the shoulder of the subject,...