AMTF Nu-7主要驻扎在武装生物性收容区域-14,主要负责应对在怀疑发生Site级收容失效,敌方渗透,或其它类似灾害事件的情况下,与主要基金会设施失去联络时的事故。 协助收容的项目: + 打开条目 行动报告: + 打开条目 回到顶部 机动特遣队Xi-8(“Last to Fall”-最后陨落) 特遣队任务:机动特遣队Xi-8是一支营级特遣队...
Assigned SiteSite DirectorResearch HeadAssigned MTF Area-02Dr. Samuel SudirmanDr. İsmayil NürÿddinliMTF Xi-8 ("The Last to Fall") Special Containment Procedures → CAUTION ← SCP-3911-1 emits high levels of latent Akiva Radiation. Be advised: under no circumstances should any adherents ...
Upon consideration of this new development inlight of other world events, Dr. Low directed that another expedition into SCP-238 be undertaken, this time composed of MTF Xi-8 (“The Last to Fall”) Alpha Company specialists, led by Commander Malachai ben Liraz. ...
and he frequently pulls at the hairs on my legs to spite me. I will have the last laugh however. He is no use to me now, but I have paid the ritual price on his servitude for one hundred years. I
Despite the loss of the MTF Omega-88 team sent with him, Director Diaghilev was able to secure SCP-5501 & SCP-5501-1. At his request, Provisional Site-166 was set up underneath Charleston, Nevada, a census-designated ghost town.
dangerous anomalies, where the more common field and recovery agents might lack knowledge or training. MTF's often also have specialties: Example: MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") is specified in tracking anomalous electronic devices, technology, and transmission, and either trying to contain or block ...
{ "DisplayName":"Minimum MTF Time To Spawn", "Category":"SCP SL Spawn Settings", "Description":"Sets the minimum time it can take from the last wave for a new one to spawn", "Keywords":"minimum,mtf,time,spawn,minimum_mtf_time_to_spawn", "FieldName":"minimum_MTF_...
Wilson let out a pretentiously loud sigh and exited the train, descending onto the fog encased railway platform and pulling out a forest green lighter he had stolen from a bag under one of the passenger seats. He had still kept theHeavy Eightcigarette from his last smoking encounter, which ...
The global population is increasing, with a predicted demand for 1250 million tonnes of animal-derived protein by 2050, which will be difficult to meet. Single-cell protein (SCP) offers a sustainable solution. This review covers SCP production mechanisms, microbial and substrate choices, and advanc...
MTF methyltransferase, MTR methylene-THF reductase, PFOR pyruvate: ferredoxin oxidoreductase, PTA phosphotransacetylase, PTF phosphotransferase, RNF Rnfcomplex THF: tetrahydrofolate, THL thiolase, 2,3-BDH 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase, 2 [H], reducing equivalents (e.q. NADH or NADPH) 1057 × ...