I'm also working with MTF Ξ-9 to move SCP-2932 under PARAGON as well. RAISA has been directed to move forward with updating the archives to reflect this change and making sure all relevant security concerns are handled. Some clearances will need to be revoked and we'll have to work on...
Due to the young age of Epsilon Serpentis and the close time to that expected of SCP-023's effects on SCP-682, it is suspected that this supernova was the result of the test conducted one year prior. Given Epsilon Serpentis' distance from Earth, the effects of this supernova will be ...
Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon-11, designated 【队伍编号】 has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until a MTF squad reaches your destination. Awaiting recontainment of 【剩余scp数量,不包括插件】 SCP subject(s). 来自Android客户端13...
Epsilon-11 SRWIKI功能 阅读: 更新日期:2021-06-20 最新编辑:秘密实验室_官方频道重定向页面 跳到导航 跳到搜索 页面贡献者 : 重定向到: MTF-E11-SR游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排...
感谢紫炎龙之心(QQ)与MTF Epsilon-11(最右)的帮助收容了此项目,本项目由我们原创作品,未经允许禁止一切形势的转载与上传。杠精退散!喜欢的伙伴可以私聊我,加入我们的创作团队 项目编号:SCP-DRC-6124 项目名称:僻静之地 项目分类:safe 特殊收容措施:因项目出现突然,且考虑到收容的便利性进行原地收容,所有有关修建...
Listed MTFs: MTF-Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed-Fox"), MTF-Sigma-23 ("Backup Required"). CODE: WHITE Synopsis: used to describe the assault of a highly-organised major/minor assimilation-force that on-site security are unable to combat. Special Guidance: staff are advised to evacuate immediately...