List of NexusesNx-00: Consensus Reality (Formerly Nx-7243) Area Class: ENTIRE (Crossroads) Accessible From: Baseline, Multiverse Surveillance Facility: Outpost-7243 Description: "Nexus-00" designates consensus reality: all that which is observably, measurably extant and compatible with our universe....
List of Task Forces Named after Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches MTF-乙丑-04 "Crucible" (熔炉) MTF-乙丑-10 "Howling Eagles" (啸鹰) MTF-乙巳-03 "Explorers' Map" (探险者地图) MTF-乙酉-16 "Birds of Longevity" (长生鸟) MTF-丙寅-01 "Return on a Snowy Night" (风雪夜归人) ...
You just have skipped step 1.2 and 1.3 of thebranch creation guide. You still need to follow the other steps. To find all the pages on the template Wiki you will have to edit, go to thelist of all pages. Do not forget to check all settings in theadmin panel. ...
ASSIGNED SITESSITE DIRECTORS FACILITY-6488, Site-15 Dir. R. Hishakaku, Dir. D. Lurk RESEARCH SUPERVISIONASSIGNED TASK FORCES Analogue Intelligence Applications Division PTF þ-6488 ("Black Kyosha"), PTF ð-6488 ("Dark Keima") SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-6488 is located within FACILITY...
↑Mobile Task Forces are always aligned in their chronological orderaccording to every letter of the Greek Alphabet. If you plan to add a good task force into the comprehensive list, make sure you list your MTFs by their proper chronological arrangement. For example, If Alpha-01 "Red Right ...
So this is today's list of some of the creepy SCPs. It would be very easy to say this is just fictional work, it's a fictional organization. But maybe, just maybe, organizations like SCP foundation do exist somewhere in the world protecting us from all of these unexplained entities....
Furthermore, the usage of tools whose primary use is generative machine learning is also banned for user facing content. All exceptions to this policy are on the following white list: (This list is currently empty) Examples of banned content include but are not limited to ChatGPT-generated...
For example, you might have adeny list SCPthat prohibits access to three AWS services. All services that aren't listed in the SCP'sDenystatement are allowed. The service last accessed data in IAM tells you which AWS services are allowed by the SCP but are never used. With that information...
If this is a mistake and you are a member of this mods team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details. Continue browsing the mod list, to find the profile you are after.You may also like Spiral Feb 13 2024 Released Feb 12, 2024 Adventure "This modification...
A mod for SCP:CB that I will keep updating, these updates will change some of the textures and sounds, and even some NPCs. I don't expect anyone to play... SCP-294 New and Modified Drinks Nov 8 2022Released 2022Stealth New Drinks and a Modified List of drinks from the original for...