gasmask 防毒面具supergasmask 超精防毒面具gasmask3 重型防毒面具key1 (level 1 Keycard)一级卡key2(Level 2 Keycard)二级卡key3 (Level 3 Keycard)三级卡key4 (Level 4 Keycard)四级卡key5(Level 5 Keycard)五级卡key6 ( KeycardOmni)万能卡firstaid (First Aid Kit)医疗包finefirstaid(Small First ...
Level2 Containment Class: euclid Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo A keycard activated door is installed on the staircase leading towards SCP‑4801. Only Foundation employees with Level 2 clearance are allowed entry. The basement containing SCP‑4801 is retrofitted to a ...
I've had enough. Just— just give me a second to get myself together, and I'll get back to it. I appreciate it, Jer. Cimmerian:This meeting wasn't meant to kick you in the ass and magically make you love this job again. You know the level of work you can put out. We need ...
Entrance ZoneBasic Office•2-Level Office•Large Office•Head Office•Doctors Quarters(Dr. Maynard's Office•Dr. Harp's Office•Dr. Gears's Office)•Conference Quarters(Dr. L.'s Office•Conference Room)•Shared Conference Room•Cafeteria•Electrical Center•Server Farm•Server ...
As D-Class you want to find a keycard, once you find the keycard you need to go to SCP-914 and upgrade it by standing on the bottom-right booth, once you upgraded your keycard to level 3 you can open all the checkpoints.SCP-173: Can only move when people blinkSCP-106: Teleport...
Supper-Steve / Remote-Keycard Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests SCP:SL Remote Keycard Plugin[EXILED] exiled scp-sl scpsl scpsl-server scp-sl-server exiled-plugin scpsl-plugin scpsl-exiled scp-sl-plugin exiled-scpsl scp-sl-exiled Updated Dec 16, 2024 C# Vretu-Dev / AdrenalinRush ...
Generators can only be opened by a keycard with模板:ReqAccess2 Tactic 1 This first tactic is simple, stay with your teammates at all times. Assist them in killing humans to rack up in EXP early game quickly. As long as you stay with your teammates and watch your AP, you will do fine...
There are levels to keycards and you require a higher level to make your way out. Some cards have checkpoint access and only by using those can you get your head out of LCZ into HCZ. Entering this room itself requires a keycard—any basic one will do. ...
Scp 009 Scp 372 Scp 006 and scp 409 and some items scp 1079 omni keycard and telekill armor and tools from scp 1023 so pls add these on the next update cuz i love this scp addon or mod :D just once update if the addon discountinued still so come on pls and also dont forget ...
gasmask 防毒面具supergasmask 超精防毒面具gasmask3 重型防毒面具key1 (level 1 Keycard)一级卡key2(Level 2 Keycard)二级卡key3 (Level 3 Keycard)三级卡key4 (Level 4 Keycard)四级卡key5(Level 5 Keycard)五级卡key6 ( KeycardOmni)万能卡firstaid (First Aid Kit)医疗包finefirstaid(Small First ...