I did not understand what the Sandariate was saying to the intercomms, but I do understand crying when I hear it. Eventually the mirror stopped showing different moments in time and stayed on one particular instance, I assume one of great significance to the Sandariate. The mirror showed a ...
The breakdown is fast and complete. He sits on the floor of the phone booth at a dingy greyhound station and sobs through a mixture of panic and grief, and then just like that the announcement for the next bus comes over the intercom and he switches back from one person to another. Thi...
Gate B is one of the secondary exits to the facility. It is where two of the game's four endings take place. Gate B is found in a single room with a large blast door, with its name labeled above the door. Next to it is an elevator that leads to the surfa
办公区域 Site-02的01分区,也被称为入口区,是SCP:秘密实验室中的四个区域之一。它包含了唯一通往设施外部的出口 操作指南概述 描述 入口区(EZ)是Site-02中的四个区域之一。 它是设施警卫的生成位置,并且包含了通往地表区域的A门和B门。 入口区包含几个独特的房间。虽然其中一些房间可能包含物品,但大多数房间在...
The intercom crackled to life again. “Dr. Morris, please report to SCP 2006’s containment cell immediately. Failure to comply will be met with appropriate action.” Morris sighed, he knew he’d have to make it there as soon as he could. He walked down the winding corridors at a ...
Site-02的01分区,也被称为入口区,是SCP:秘密实验室中的四个区域之一。它包含了唯一通往设施外部的出口 操作指南概述 Site-02的01子区是主要的文职人员工作区。这里有各种各样的私人(和公开的)办公空间、员工储物柜,以及供站点工作人员放松和恢复体力的大型开放空间 ...
SCP-5895-1 is escorted into an empty soundproof room, with Dr. Alex Merzbow telegraphing questions over an intercom Dr. Merzbow:Good afternoon, 5895-1. Are you ready to begin the interview? SCP-5895-1:Heyo, doc. Yeah, that's fine. ...
Prior to the 11.0.0 update, the Containment Engineer Keycard had access to both the Intercom and the Alpha Warhead Activation Room. Throughout the game's development, the required access tier for certain interactables has changed: SCP-079's and SCP-106's containment doors originally required...
intercom_cooldown: 两次使用广播器之间的冷却时间(以秒为单位)intercom_max_speech_time: 单次广播的最大时间限制(以秒为单位)auto_round_restart_time: 自动回合重新开始的时间(以秒为单位)friendly_fire: 是否开启友军伤害friendly_fire_multiplier: 友军伤害的伤害倍数。warhead_tminus_start_duration: 启动倒计时...
Oh and, there is a unique room here called the Intercom Room. If you enter here, there will be a mic where you can speak, and whatever you blabber will be heard by everyone in the facility. No, don’t think about going all the way there just to beatbox. ...