情报机构[Intelligence Agency] 情报机构的作用是搜索,追踪和捕获未收容的SCP项目并收集敌对相关组织的情报。潜伏的IA单位存在于每个主要人口区域并伪装成平民目标和机构。情报特工一般从各国的国防,法律以及特勤机构中招收 内部安保部门[Internal Security Department] ISD是一个隐蔽的“基金会里的基金会”,一个负责找出叛...
Within the Foundation's global network of forces, a significant portion of the Mobile Task Forces are led by the Foundation's Chinese branch and are concentrated in China and throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific region. This prominent affiliation and operational scope has...
Intelligence Agency The Intelligence Agency is tasked with searching, tracking, and capturing uncontained SCP objects and gathering intelligence on hostile groups of interest. Undercover IA cells exist in every major populated area and disguised as civilian objects and institutions. Intelligence agents are...
DESCRIPTION: SCP-6442 refers to an inscription created by the SCP Foundation Counter-Intelligence Agency and Memetics Division. SCP-6442 is engraved within a sphere constructed with a classified carbon-fiber based elastomer. Upon perceiving at least 73% of the inscription, exposed subjects experience ...
SCP-8172 is a persistent reality-altering effect which prevents the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from engaging in occult warfare. 9th of February SCP-8499 by Miss Lapis and Strange Matter [Featured by Yeraven] my brothers broke me. these men broke me. perhaps i was meant...
They are a very proactive aggregate about contacting existential intelligence, and their attitude is generally friendly. However, they often show an estrangement with human values and an uncomprehending of human society. In addition, activities such as "enlightenment of the conceptions to an unspecified...
Both the body and the amulet were discovered by an SCP Foundation agent from the Intelligence Agency, who determined that the amulet was impossible to damage and followed protocol XLR-8R-██ to bring it to a Foundation facility safely. There, it was dubbed SCP-963. Bright[] Eventually, ...
3. 基金会情报局(The Foundation Intelligence Agency) 4. 译注:苏联的飞机设计机构,此处代指飞机 5. Oscar Wattley和Norbert Weber,此二人是杰出的英国组织再生研究者。二人参加了1970年的维也纳世界实验医学大会,可能见过日记作者。 6. 俄罗斯传说中一个不死的妖魔...
Artifact Collection Agency Extranormal Institute Secret Government Warehouse Bunny Ears Lawyer Mad Scientist Psycho for Hire We Have Reserves Asexuality: To a downright supernatural degree. He's immune to the effects of SCPs that affect sexual desire. Al
Emotional intelligence and dispositional affectivity as moderators of workplace aggression: The impact on behavior choice - ScienceDirect This paper presents a model of emotional intelligence and dispositional affectivity as moderators of workplace aggression. Particular attention is devoted ... AJ Quebbema...